Transform Color to Black & White Using the Channel Mixer
Aim: How do we use the Channel Mixer to create a black and white image? STEP 1: Open Image, (retouching should be completed on the background copy layer)
Aim: How do we use the Channel Mixer to create a black and white image? STEP 2: Click icon (located at the bottom of the Layers panel) > choose Channel Mixer
Click Icon, Choose Channel Mixer from pull down menu
Aim: How do we use the Channel Mixer to create a black and white image? STEP 3: Click, Monochrome, adjustment image accordingly, numbers must total 100%
STEP 4: Save As, period, name, project. Aim: How do we use the Channel Mixer to create a black and white image? STEP 4: Save As, period, name, project. For example, P3.Jane.Who.Am.I (At this stage, the image should contain a Background Layer, Background Copy and Channel Mixer Layer)