Security of People, Property and Information 17/11/2018 Security of People, Property and Information
17/11/2018 Security of People Rules and regulations that employees must follow to ensure that everyone in the work place is safe and secure. It is important that only authorised people can get into building at all times.
Security of People 17/11/2018 Basic requirements of employees include: Sign in and out when entering and leaving the building. Wear ID badges at all times allow all people to be recognised. Report/challenge people who are not wearing an ID badge Visitors escorted around the workplace.
Security of People 17/11/2018 How can employers support: Controlled entry – using an intercom system to allow entry Security doors with pin codes or access cards/fobs at the point of entry to prevent strangers accessing parts of the building they are not authorised to. Produce a procedure for all staff to follow. Provide staff with badges and a security system to restrict unauthorised access.
Security of People: Dealing with visitors 17/11/2018 Security of People: Dealing with visitors Must be treated in a welcoming and professional manner. They can be customers, suppliers or potential employees. Staff must ensure they are genuine visitors. All visitors must enter by a well sign posted main entranced Once purpose is established, visitors should sign in and collect a visitor badge. This allows the organisation to have a record of time, purpose of visit and is part of safety regulations. Visitors should wait to be escorted to their appointment. After the visit , visitors must return their visitors badge and sign out.
Security of Property: 17/11/2018 Employees and the organisation have different responsibilities for ensuring that company property is secure. Most organisations spend a lot of money on property and equipment. Therefore it is important to prevent damage/theft of expensive items.
Security of Property: 17/11/2018 Security Measure Employee Responsibility Organisation Responsibility Lock Doors Must ensure that rooms are locked when unattended Must provide employees with keys of rooms they need access to Keypad/ combination locks Must remember any codes required to access locked areas Must not prop doors open Must install keypads and ensure all staff necessary are aware of codes Codes should be regularly changed to avoid misuse.
Security of Property: 17/11/2018 Security Measure Employee Responsibility Organisation Responsibility Fingerprint recognition Must supply their fingerprint to the organisation Must organise the recording of fingerprints of all authorised staff Swipe cards Issued with a plastic card which is programmed to open doors. Must keep all swipe cards secure. Must ensure the security code is up to date on the swipe card.
Security of Property: 17/11/2018 Security Measure Employee Responsibility Organisation Responsibility CCTV/ Security staff Must be employed as security staff to monitor the cameras and patrol the building. Can install cameras around the building which can see in and around the building. Recordings can be made if required.
Security of Information: 17/11/2018 Security of Information: Business cannot function without information (data). The way information is stored changes with the advances in technology. Most organisations store important information in an electronic format.
Security of Information: 17/11/2018 Type of information Employee Responsibility Contacts: clients, suppliers, advertisers Names, addresses, phone numbers, email address all need to be carefully stored so that they can be found when required This type of data is usually stored electronically in a quick database, which can easily be updated and searched for quick/easy access This information can be stored in email software in a contacts list.
Security of Information: 17/11/2018 Type of information Employee Responsibility Business Documents Letters, emails, invoices, statements, booking forms need to be filed for reference purposes. This type of information is usually store electronically as a word processing file or as a spread sheet saved in folders on a network. This type of storage is easily recalled, edited, reprinted or sent in the post as an attachment to an email.
Security of Information: 17/11/2018 Type of information Employee Responsibility Recordings/blogs/ discussion forums A lot of business takes place electronically. This type of information is usually stored as sound and video files It can therefore be referred to easily, copied or sent as an attachment to an email.
Security of Information: 17/11/2018 Security of Information: A business can use several methods to restrict who can access information and keep ICT software secure. The most common method of restricting access to information is using individual usernames and passwords on computers. An effective password contains random mixture of letters and numbers (and special characters) so that it is much harder to guess.
Security of Information: Passwords 17/11/2018 Do’s Don’ts Memorise your password. Mixed of letters, special characters and numbers. Use a mixed of upper and lower case characters Change passwords regularly. Write you password down for easy access by a third party. At your workstation, on a post-it attached to the monitor. Use your own information or something that can easily guessed. Your/partners name, DOB, place of birth etc. Share your password with other people.
Security of Information: Confidential Information 17/11/2018 At times Administrative Assistants will have to work with confidential/sensitive information. Vitally important this is not deployed to any unauthorised persons. Computers should be locked if a computer is left unattended. Or all documents should be saved and computer logged off/shut down.
Security of Information: Backups 17/11/2018 It is essential that all items are backed up REGULARLY This ensures that if items are lost or corrupted it can be replaced with almost up to date information. Most organisations back up automatically. Backup copies should be stored separately.
Security of Information: Anti Virus 17/11/2018 A virus is a computer program created to interfere with the purpose of a working computer system or network. A virus can easily spread from one system to another, most commonly spread through email attachments. An antivirus software can run automatically to get rid of viruses (this is known as scanning) and ensure that software is up to date.
Security of Information: Data Protection Act 1998 17/11/2018 This act covers any data about living and identifiable individuals. Name, addresses, phone number(s) or email addresses. The act only applies to data held on computers (electronically) or in relevant filing systems. Paper copied can be classified as a relevant filing system for example diaries used to support commercial activities such as a salesperson diary/contacts book. Diaries kept for personal use are not covered under this act.
Security of Information: Data Protection Act 1998 17/11/2018 The principles of this act state that personal data must Be collected and processed fairly and lawfully. Be obtained only for the specified purpose and not be further processed. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is processed. Be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Not be processed for any other purpose nor be kept longer than necessary. Be protected by proper security methods.
Security of Information: Data Protection Act 1998 17/11/2018 The act also states: Individuals must be able to access information held about themselves Personal data cannot be transferred outwith the EU.