Macaroni pencil holders . . . Handprint turkeys . . . Painted doorstops . . .
They’re still around!
Children’s art is precious to us because the children are precious to us.
YOU are precious in God’s sight!
But this is not based on your actions . . . accomplishments . . . acumen.
Genesis 6:11–12 Isaiah 64:6 Romans 3:10–18
How could people like that ever be precious to a holy God?
Because of Jesus! He lived and died for YOU!
The God of love and peace shall be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11
God’s gifts to you: His presence His peace His comfort His strength
Your heavenly Father has draped the bright white robe of Jesus’ own righteousness across your shoulders!
As you leave here, walk in love and live in peace.
Remember, the God of love and peace is with you!
Mothers Aunts Sisters Teachers Mentors THANK YOU!