By Beverly Cleary Presentation By: Lexi Carter Ramona Quimby Age 8 By Beverly Cleary Presentation By: Lexi Carter
Chapter 1 Ramona was bragging because she gets to ride the bus by her self. Ramona yelled at yard ape to give her eraser back. Ramona doesn`t know if she likes her nonfussy teacher.
Chapter 2 Ramona asked her mom why she kept telling her to be nice to Willa Jean. Ramona got to ride Howie`s bicycle around the corner. Ramona asked Willa Jean if she could be excused for Sustained Silent Reading.
Chapter 3 Ramona was the last person to leave. Ramona overheard Mrs.Whaley say she did not like her. Ramona doesn`t know haw to write a cursive Q.
Chapter 4 Ramonas mother told her she put the boiled eggs on one shelf and raw eggs onother. Ramona sat down on the couch with her dad and started to draw. Ramona and Beezus were trying to be good so they don`t have to cook.
Chapter 5 Sunday morning Ramona and Beezus were still resolved to be have until dinner. Ramon and Beezus were both trying to make dinner a surprise. At dinner there father thought they did a good job on cooking dinner.
Chapter 6 The Quimby family was finally comfortable. Ramona was not feeling good and she was scared to tell her teacher. As Ramona fell a sleep she was calling her self a supernuisance and a very sick one to.
Chapter 7 During the night Ramona was half awake when her mother came and wiped her face. Ramona got some cards from her class. Ramona`s father came home with some bad news about the car.
Chapter 8 The whole Quimby family was full of worry. Ramon went to her studio to do her project. Ramona forgot what the rest of her book report was.
Chapter 9 Ramona pressed her nose against the window in the livingroom. Ramona got in trable for not picking up her room. Ramona snuggled up in her coat.