Conference Objectives & Expected Outcomes Tsitsi Makombe Senior Program Manager International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Conference Objectives Discuss important issues raised & recommendations of the 2015 ATOR,10 chapters & 3 case studies on nutrition Review progress on meeting key CAADP indicators and the implementation process Presentation of chapters, panel & plenary discussions Examines current status of nutrition in Africa, Importance of dietary quality & diversity; Role of agriculture sector in ensuring more nutritious foods; Promoting better data for evidence-based nutrition planning
Conference Objectives Assess outcomes & lessons learned in strengthening mutual accountability processes Role of agriculture Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs) in supporting CAADP mutual accountability Evaluate progress and challenges in establishing JSRs Review efforts being made in preparing for first CAADP Biennial Review Plenary & parallel sessions
Conference Objectives Review need to create adequate capacities to meet data & knowledge needs of CAADP at country level Evaluate progress in setting up analytical networks of the country strategic analysis and knowledge support systems (SAKSS), Senegal’s experience Review progress on the work to appraise current & develop 2nd generation national agriculture and food security investment plans (NAIPs) Plenary & parallel sessions
Expected Outcomes Shared understanding of the latest evidence on: Nutrition status of Africa, how challenges can be addressed & opportunities can be leveraged for better nutrition outcomes Actions needed to further advance CAADP agenda & ensure achievement of its goals & objectives
Expected Outcomes Shared lessons and experiences on: Efforts to strengthen JSRs critical success factors, necessary steps in moving to comprehensive, regular, & inclusive JSRs, Requirements for biennial review planning Mobilizing capacity for country SAKSS analytical networks & preparing 2nd generation NAIPS organizing local centers of expertise to support analyses, review, and dialogue processes actions needed to ensure effectiveness & success of the NAIP appraisal & design process
2015 ATOR & Conference Presentations 2015 ATOR available on conference & ReSAKSS websites Conference presentations will be made available on conference website Twitter—#2016ReSAKSS
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