An Electric Trip How to Brand The Electric Bicycle Presented by: Lauren Percilla, Eric Schilling, James Schosser, Ann Whitaker
Positioning & Personality
For the commuter of 15 miles or less, our line of electric bicycles are a transportation option which provides a quicker, easier & more comfortable traveling experience. Audience Product Offering Category Benefit Positioning Statement Benefit
Modern Spirited smart liberated “I've never seen anything like that before!” “ That looks like so much fun!” “ Well, it just makes good sense.” “ Imagine the possibilities.” Modern Spirited smart Brand Personality. We want a consumer looking at our brand to think of us in these terms. liberated
Name Logo Logotype Tagline
Electric ELEKTRIP Trip Amp, Volt, Watt, Electric, Electricity, Current, Voltage, Amperage, Spark, AC, DC, Juice, Wattage, Kilowatts, Energy, Reaction, Static, Potential, Utility, Electron, Light, Fuel, Propel, Excursion, Journey, Explore, Cruise, Sojourn, Voyage, Trek, Wander, Trip, Campaign, Travel, Rove, Electric ELEKTRIP Trip We started off at looking at many different words and word combinations that would give the brand a name that wasn’t too catchy but wasn’t dull either. After focusing in on the major aspects of what the bike is about, electric power and the ability to travel we came up with Elektrip. The logo came out of the idea that the major differentiator between the electric bike and the regular bike was the addition of electric power. Therefore the logo reflects the bolt of electricity that helps power our electric bicycles.
In addition to developing a company name, we also developed 2 electric bicycle model names. FreeRider for our foldable bike and SecondWind for our large commuter bike. FreeRider is all about being light and easy and small while the SecondWind is all about comfort and going the distance.
What is the defining feature of our products What is the defining feature of our products? What makes us stand above our primary competitors, regular bike manufacturers? It is that we have a specially designed electric power motor that makes your rides quicker, easier, convenient and fun. How do you embody those ideas in a tagline? There is only one way… Power to the Pedal! Short easy to remember and speaks directly to how we are differentiated.
Creative Problems
Elektrip has two major fronts it needs to address with it’s advertising campaign: Brand Awareness Negative Opinion Two major areas that Elektrip needs to confront with it’s advertising campaign. Brand Awareness – which all new companies have to overcome Negative Opinion and stereotyping by major influencers.
“To the core cyclist, it’s cheating….” Loren Mooney, editor in chief of Bicycling Magazine
“…you could say you were cheating yourself out of a tougher workout….” Yokota Fritz,
“This pretty much sums up the attitude in the U.S.— e-biking=cheating.” Anonymous, comments
What are Elektrip’s options? Ignore the problem Fight the opinion ?
Creative Solutions
What do you do when coming up against negative sentiment held by major influencers? We asked ourselves what we should do. Do we Ignore the problem? Fight the opinion, what do you do? Our answer was to embrace it… and by doing so take control of the way it is portrayed. This also gives you the chance to redefine it’s meaning. Yes we are cheaters. We cheat by not showing up to work drenched in sweat like the regular bicycle commuter. We cheat by saving money on gas that you, the car driver, have to pay. We cheat by saving time that you the transit traveler wish you had. We do this not only because it is a great choice, but because it is the best way to travel locally.
Being an avid student of advertising history, this creative idea is not a new one. The idea of taking negative consumer opinion and tipping it on it’s head was used very successfully by another vehicle in the transportation industry. The Volkswagen Beetle did it with brilliance in the 60’s with the help of the premier advertising agency of the day, Doyle Dane & Bernbauch. The “Think Small” campaign is believed to be the advertising that established Volkswagen in American.