2nd Grade Project Based Learning Essential Question: How can we create a habitat in our school yard to help native pollinators in Missouri?
What is project based learning? PBL is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.
Topics and Skills Project based learning is cross-curricular and will tie in topics from units in science, math, and social studies. In addition, students will utilize technology time to research and organize their thoughts in writing as well as public speaking through the use of a classroom video blog. Topics include: Habitats Animal and plant life cycles Interaction among living things in an ecosystem Changes to ecosystems Native vs. invasive species Creating a budget and fundraising Butterfly migration routes and mapping Native American folklore and legends about butterflies
Public outreach Students will take a field trip to Weldon Spring Interpretive Center to learn more about butterfly life cycles, and will observe some insects in their native habitats! We will have experts from MO Botanical Gardens and The Butterfly House visit the classroom to help the students gain a better understanding of how to set up the best habitat for our school.
Citizen Science Throughout this project our second graders will participate in several citizen science projects to help monitor and collect data on pollinator populations in our area. We will also register our school garden as a Monarch Waystation in order to help monitor monarchs during their migration route.
Our Goal By the end of the year our second graders will understand how to design a habitat for pollinators, like butterflies, through in-depth research, collaboration with experts, and exploring the space outside of our school. Students will create a field guide with common MO pollinators for other students to use while observing animals in their new habitat. Students will gain an appreciation for pollinators in our ecosystem, and understand that they can use their knowledge and skills to solve a real- world problem.