Taking A Stand in History! National History Day Taking A Stand in History!
Marine Corps History Award The National Museum of the Marine Corps in partnership with the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation will present an award judged to be the best entry with a history of the Marine Corps subject within the guidelines of this year’s theme of “Taking a Stand in History." The award will consist of a check for $1000 to an individual winner, or divided equally between students of a winning group entry. In a rare case in which there are co-winning entries, the award will also be divided.
Marine Corps Topics World War I at Belleau Woods World War II at Guadal Canal, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, or Okinawa The Korea War at Chosin Reservoir The Vietnam War at Khe Sanh Medal of Honor Recipients Navy Cross Recipients Fallujah War against Terrorism
Research Visit the Museum Visit the Virtual Learning Experience: http://www.virtualusmcmuseum.com/ Contact the Gray Research Center at Quantico: http://guides.grc.usmcu.edu/grc
Types of Projects Documentary Exhibits Paper Performance Website Previous Winners include: Poster exhibit Performance Play Website
Questions? Contact info: Teacher@marineheritage.org