How can boosting our self-confidence boost our achievement? Kerry is under a lot of pressure to choose the correct career path or apply for further education. I did well in Maths, but if I study it in college there will be so many people better at it than me… My dream is to be an artist – I’ve found some great Uni courses, but I might miss my parents too much if I move away. I love cooking and I’m good at it, but could I really afford to live on trainee chef wages? STARTER: Challenge: Which of Kerry’s thoughts are likely to help her in a positive way and which are more likely to be unhelpful? More challenging: Why do you think this? Explain. Mega challenge: Explain the meaning of Growth Mindset. How could you link this idea with self-confidence?
KEY WORD: Self-confidence – This means belief in your own ability, skills and experience, plus feeling good and ready to tackle challenges. Discussion point: So why would employers be more interested in confident candidates? LOs: Challenge: Identify different confidence boosters and situations where they can be used. More challenging: Describe how using these boosters can aid our achievement and how we can apply them to our own lives. Mega challenge: Explain why we have chosen particular boosters to suit particular case studies and the role science plays in our confidence levels.
As you watch the clip, choose either red, green or Task one- As you watch the clip, choose either red, green or amber challenge questions to answer. What is self esteem? Confidence turns thoughts into………………… What can promote feelings of power? Name three of the factors that influence your levels of confidence. How can having a Growth Mindset help boost confidence levels? What do studies show about those who fail and keep trying anyway? What role do your genes play in your levels of confidence? How does science support the idea of the successful Growth Mindset? How can ‘giving yourself a pep talk’ be an immediate confidence booster?
Task 2 - Confidence timelines: Challenge: Read the three case study timelines. You have nine ‘confidence boost’ cards. You are allowed to use three for each case study. Choose three points in each case study where the teenager needs a confidence boost and place an appropriate card underneath each one. More challenging: Create one more timeline based on an upcoming event in your own life. Use three of the cards on your timeline at any point (you can take them from the other case studies). Copy the completed timeline in your workbook. Mega challenge: Be prepared to explain to the class why you have chosen these particular ‘confidence boosts’. ALL – commit to using at least three of the confidence boost strategies in the future. Write the three that you think will work best for you in your workbook.
PLENARY Challenge: You have two motivational poster templates. Create a slogan for each image to help boost a person’s confidence. More challenging: Either find an image from the internet or create your own image to make a third motivational poster. Mega challenge: You MUST fit in these three terms somewhere in your slogans: Growth Mindset / Self-Esteem / Communication