Byzantine Empire 527 BCE-1453
Byzantium would remain as the Name of the entire Eastern Empire By 395, the Roman Empire was so large that the emperors decided to divide it into the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire. In 330 CE, Roman emperor Constantine decided to move the capital from Rome to the city of Byzantium He changed the name to Constantinople Byzantium would remain as the Name of the entire Eastern Empire
The people living in the Byzantium Empire spoke Greek instead of Latin How would The geography of Constantinople Protect the city against invasion?
In 527, Justinian became the emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He wanted to regain the glory of Ancient Rome Justinian created the Justinian code to help regulate the complex society. The code lasted for 900 years!
Justinian built the hagia Sophia http://www. youtube. com/watch Architecture, Art, and learning flourished during Justinian’s rule. Byzantine scholars preserved the great works of Ancient Greece and Rome Justinian married a smart, powerful woman named Theodora. Together they were a powerful team