Quiz- History of Architecture Instructions: Look at each house, building, ruins and indentify correctly. You need to identify10 buildings= 10 pts.. In your paper write #’s 1-10 and write correct letter to each number. Ready…?? GO!!! You can do it..!!
1. What Architectural Style is the building below? A) Egyptian B) Pre-historic (Stonehenge) C) Chinese D) Mayan ?
2. What Architectural Style is the building below? A) Rococo B) Georgian C)Renassiance D) Gothic?
3. What Architectural Style is the building below? A) Federalist B) Georgian C)Neo-Gothic D) Art Nouveau?
4. What Architectural Style is the building below? A) Romanesque B) Georgian C)Neo-Gothic D) Art Nouveau?
5. Which of the following columns is below? A) Doric B) Ionic C) Corinthian
A) Greek Revival B) Federalist C)Neo-Gothic 6. Architectural Style? A) Greek Revival B) Federalist C)Neo-Gothic D) Arts and Crafts
7. What Architectural Style is the building below?? A) Byzantine B) Renaissance C)Neo-Gothic D) Art Deco
8. The following is considered to be Classical or Neo-classical? A) Classical B) Neo-Classical
9. What Architectural Style is the building below? A) Classical B) Gothic C) Art Deco D) Georgian
10. What Architectural Style is the building below? A) Gothic B) Baroque C) Art Deco D) Federalist
Your are done! Piece of cake!!