Civil War Period Jeopardy Review Lincoln & Lee Spirituals Frederick Douglass Post Civil War Vocabulary 100 200 300 400 500
Lincoln & Lee 100 True/false: Lincoln asked Lee to be a general for the Union.
Lincoln & Lee 100 True.
Lincoln & Lee 200 “The Gettsyburg Address” is an example of what literary genre?
Lincoln & Lee 200 Persuasive speech.
Lincoln & Lee 300 What rhetorical device does Lincoln use when he states, “…we can not dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground.”?
Lincoln & Lee 300 Restatement
Lincoln & Lee 400 What is the central concern in Lee’s letter?
Lincoln & Lee 400 That the union will split, resulting in anarchy.
Lincoln & Lee 500 “The Gettysburg Address” had 2 purposes. What were they?
Lincoln & Lee 500 Remember the soldiers by dedicating the cemetery to their memory. Remember the soldiers by fighting more passionately and winning the war for them.
Spirituals 100 In “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” the chariot is a symbol of…
Spirituals 100 A conductor of the underground railroad/someone taking them to freedom.
Spirituals 200 References made to biblical figures/stories in the spirituals are called…
Spirituals 200 Allusions
Spirituals 300 In “Go Down, Moses” who is Moses?
Fact or Bull 300 Harriet Tubman
Spirituals 400 Spirituals would be considered what type of literary genre? What other group widely used this type of genre?
Spirituals 400 Oral tradition Native Americans
Spirituals 500 What purposes did the spirituals fulfill for the slaves?
Spirituals 500 Secret communication An outlet for their grief A way to pass the time
Douglass 100 Douglass’s main argument against slavery was that it was…
Douglass 100 Illegal Against human nature Immoral Against Christian teachings
Douglass 200 According to Douglass, why did Mrs. Auld make a poor slave owner?
Douglass 200 She lacked the cruelty required.
Douglass 300 How did Douglass eventually become a free man?
Douglass 300 He escaped
Douglass 400 Why did Mrs. Auld eventually stop teaching him to read?
Douglass 400 Her husband forced her to (and think about what this reveals about women at that time).
Douglass 500 What is the theme of “My Bondage and My Freedom”?
Douglass 500 Slavery is detrimental to both the slave and the slave owner.
Post Civil War 100 This person was in charge of moving the Nez Perce off their land.
Post Civil War 100 Who is Gen. Howard.
Post Civil War 200 “Oh Captain! My Captain!” is written in the structure of a Greek elegy. What’s an elegy?
Post Civil War 200 A poem about death.
Post Civil War 300 What is the central theme of “Beat! Drums, Beat!”?
Post Civil War 300 That the War pervaded the lives of everyone in the nation.
Post Civil War 400 According to what he says in “I Will Fight No More Forever,” what role does Chief Joseph take most seriously?
Post Civil War 400 Father
Post Civil War 500 The Civil War era ushered in an ideological shift from the romantics/transcendentalists. What was that shift?
Post Civil War 500 The individual has a responsibility to others, not just himself/herself.
Vocabulary 100 To be hindered or burdened by unjust means.
Vocabulary 100 What is oppressed.
Vocabulary 200 To kill or strike by a powerful blow.
Vocabulary 200 What is smite.
Vocabulary 300 Kind-hearted and well-meaning
Vocabulary 300 What is benevolent.
Vocabulary 400 Moral corruption; wickedness
Vocabulary 400 What is depravity.
Vocabulary 500 Strongly suggestive of something.
Vocabulary 500 What is redolent.
Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy