CCRS Implementation Team


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Presentation transcript:

CCRS Implementation Team Science Quarterly Meeting #2 Use playing cards (#s 1 – 8) or another method to assign numbers to participants in 8 groups for the first activity. Adapt as needed according to group size. Welcome to quarterly meeting #2 for the 2014-2015 school year. How many of you attended QM1 or have attended past CCRS meetings? We are excited that you’re with us. We have quite a bit of information to share with you today so let’s jump right in. Proposed Timeframe: 20 minutes – Beginning - Abilities/Practices Matching (Slides 1-8) 60 minutes – Frayer Model (Slide 9) 10 minutes – Reflection on Homework (Slide 10) LUNCH 15 minutes – Triple Venn & Prepared Graduate (Slides 11-12) 30 minutes – Progression of SEPs (Slides 13-14) 30 minutes – Case Study (Slides 15-16) 15 minutes – Homework & Survey (Slides 17-20)

Outcomes Develop a deeper understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices of The Framework. Analyze the progression of the Science & Engineering Practices across grades K-12. Explore how the Science & Engineering Practices are integrated into instruction for ALL students, specifically students in special populations. Prepare to share research and practice with team members. Ask participants to read the outcomes for today’s session. On a sticky note or scrap paper, do a self-reflective Likert scale (1 – 4) on your comfort level with each of today’s outcomes. Give each participant a copy of the Survey Says questions. Explain that they are getting these now so that they can answer or make notes on these as we move through the day. These questions will be discussed at the end of the session.

Understanding The Framework FREE download (PDF) ook.php?record_id=13165. Also available for purchase from the National Academies Press (same as above link) or from Amazon ( These next few slides are to remind returning participants of information covered in the last quarterly meeting and to orient any newcomers. Use it as a prompt for participants to open their electronic Framework or to take out their print copy. If Wi-Fi is available, participants can use this link to download a free PDF copy. Our purpose is to begin laying the groundwork for the new course of study. So, how do we do that without having any standards? We are diving into this document, A Framework for K-12 Science Education, which contains all of the latest research about science education, including the recommended shifts in practice. During our first Quarterly Meeting in September, we took a big-picture snapshot of the entire document. During the last 3 meetings, today and the next two quarterly meetings, we will be focusing on each of the three dimensions of The Framework. These are shown on the next slide.

3 Dimensions of The Framework Scientific and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Practices This slide summarizes the big picture from QM#1. Again, this is to remind participants of the theme of the first CCRS meeting and to lead into today’s focus. Listed here are the 3 dimensions of The Framework. Each of these dimensions work together much like the strands of a rope. The Framework authors recommend that writers of new course of study standards incorporate all 3 dimensions into each standard. This will be a huge shift in how teachers implement future standards, thus our focus on laying the groundwork now. Core Ideas

Prepared Graduate Defined Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit- bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. Remember, also, that our ultimate goal is to graduate students who are prepared to succeed when they enter college, trade/technical school, or the workforce. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This information is left here from previous years’ CCRS sessions in case some explanation is needed. It is not necessary to share this. On the left side of the screen you find the definition of a prepared graduate….not much new here…this side stresses being able to succeed in CREDIT BEARING courses at a two-year or four-year colleges, trade schools, or technical schools. On the right side….the focus is different. Once students know something, do they know what to do with it? Can they apply their knowledge? Do they have a “command” of what they know that enables them to apply it to various situations. These are skills that the business community wants in their employees. The most important thing for us to note is…THIS SIDE DESCRIBES THE TYPE OF INSTRUCTION NECESSARY FOR PREPARING GRADUATES. 5

Outcomes Develop a deeper understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices of The Framework. Analyze the progression of the Science & Engineering Practices across grades K-12. Explore how the Science & Engineering Practices are integrated into instruction for ALL students, specifically students in special populations. Prepare to share research and practice with team members. Now, let’s get started with our first Outcome, developing a deeper understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices of The Framework. Remind participants of the Survey Says cards you distributed at the start of the session. They may want to jot a few notes during this section.

Understanding The Framework Science and Engineering Practices Our primary focus today is to take a much deeper look into the 8 Science and Engineering Practices in The Framework.

Science & Engineering Practices: Is this a new idea? Match the Abilities Necessary for Scientific Inquiry from the NSES with the Science and Engineering Practices from The Framework. The National Science Education Standards (NSES) document has been the primary reference document for science education for the last 20 years. All state standards that were written in the past 20 years used this research, including the Alabama Course of Study: Science. (It is important to reiterate that our current state science standards are based on this body of research.) Naturally, we have continued to understand HOW people learn and WHAT they should learn in science. The Framework writers were seeking to make the idea of inquiry more explicit, because, across the nation, “INQUIRY” meant different things to different people. Have participants match the two sets of “practices” on their table to see the similarities. One set is from the NSES and the other is from The Framework. This should be quick. Lead the whole group in a brief discussion. If these are so closely matched, what is it that makes the SEPs rigorous? How has this changed with the Framework? We’re going to do a Quick Read through an excerpt from The Framework to find out more. (The Framework Excerpts should be on their table or handed out at this time.) Working with a shoulder partner, have both partners read the Why Practices? section, partner A read Understanding How Scientists Work, and partner B read How Engineering and Science Differ. Reflect with your partner about this question, “What is the shift from what we’re doing now to what the Framework recommends?” or “If these are such a good match, why the change? Where is the rigor?” Listen at each table and take some anecdotal notes in order to call on specific groups/persons to share something they said. Share the “take aways” from partner talk.

Science & Engineering Practices: Use the following to learn more about your assigned Science & Engineering Practice: The Framework document (pp. 54-77) Bozeman Science videos ( science-standards/ – Scientific & Engineering Practices) Record your learning on the Frayer model handout that is provided. Recreate it on a chart to share whole group. SEP: Definition… Students should NOT be doing or saying… Students should be doing or saying… Teacher planning could look like… If you did not assign groups at the beginning of the session, use some type of grouping strategy to assign numbers to participants – #1-8. If your group is large, using playing cards to assign numbers will be very helpful in creating working partners for this activity – group participants together by number and then by color to create partners. Instruct participants to use their Frayer Model handout for this activity. After assigning numbers to participants, explain that each number corresponds to one of the 8 (eight) Science & Engineering Practices (SEPs). Direct participants to use the resources identified in the slide, and any others they may have/find, to become an “expert” on their assigned SEP. Group participants with the same #SEP together to do the research and to create a chart of their Frayer Model. (Allow about 30 minutes for this section) Determine who will be the spokesperson for your group. That person should stand beside your chart. If you have two (or more) groups presenting the same SEP, ask them to divide their chart for sharing rather than sharing their entire poster. While each group shares their research, the other groups should use the Frayer Model Note-taking Tool handout to take notes on each SEP.

Science & Engineering Practices Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information Asking Questions & Defining Problems Developing and Using Models Using Mathematics & Computational Thinking Planning & Carrying Out Investigations Engaging in Argument from Evidence For homework, you were ask to choose a Science & Engineering Practice to incorporate into a lesson. We didn’t ask for any written evidence this time, rather we said we would provide some time for reflection. Using the Frayer model charts you created, find the SEP that you tried in your classroom and move to stand beside it. Share your experiences with the others who are standing at the same chart. Allow time for discussion. Move among the groups and note comments/groups you can use during group discussion. Is there anyone who wants to share something from your conversation? If participants are reluctant, ask someone to share based on what you have heard while vising/listening to each discussion. --------------- LUNCH Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Commonalities in Practices Math Science S2. M1. S1. M4. S5. M2. S3. M6. E2. M7. M3. S4. Do NOT click (which will animate) the slide until participants have had time to make their own associations. Give participants the Commonalities handout with the 3-ring Venn diagram. Remember, we’ve been working with Content Literacy in these CCRS meetings for the past two years, and we were introduced to the Literate Individual in our very first quarterly meeting. We have struggled about how these relate to science. Now that we have elementary teachers, there’s yet another layer for trying to fit all of the pieces together. As scientists, we look for patterns. What patterns are there across the disciplines of Math, ELA (English Language Arts), and Science practice? Instruct participants to analyze the practices/capacities to see where they might be placed on the Venn. They are not expected to complete this; the purpose is for them to recognize that there are overlapping skills across content areas. This is particularly important for elementary teachers who are responsible for planning and conducting instruction in all content areas. Point out to participants that they may recognize the ELA capacities as being the components of the Literate Individual. The handout is based on work by Tina Cheuk @ and was adapted from Commonalities Among the Practices in Science, Mathematics, and English Language Arts at E4. M8. S6. E5. M5. S8. S7. E6. E3. E1. E7. ELA

Prepared Graduate Defined Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. Recognizing the commonalities in instruction across disciplines reminds us that we are teaching the whole child. We are preparing the whole graduate so that he/she can succeed in college, trade/technical school, or the workforce. We have been given permission to teach the whole child; therefore, it is important that we teach and make connections across subject areas! 12

Outcomes Develop a deeper understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices of The Framework. Analyze the progression of the Science & Engineering Practices across grades K-12. Explore how the Science & Engineering Practices are integrated into instruction for ALL students, specifically students in special populations. Prepare to share research and practice with team members. Take a minute or so to look at your Survey Says questions and jot any notes or answers from what we covered in outcome #1. Allow only a minute or two for this. Let’s shift now to looking at how the Science & Engineering Practices change/increase in rigor from Kindergarten through 12th grade – that is, the progression of the practices.

Progression of the Science and Engineering Practices Read each grade level Science & Engineering Practice beginning with Grade Band K-2. Underline key words that show how the practices are related across the grade bands. Circle key words that show how the expectation becomes more rigorous at each grade band. Have some table discussion about your overall impressions. Check participants’ language all along to ensure they are appropriately referring to these as “Practices” and not “Standards.” Make sure each participant has a copy of the Progression document. Rearrange groups - they may work with coworkers from their LEA/district or team with others to form these working groups. At this time, we’d like for you to partner with others who teach different grade bands. If you’ve been part of CCRS before, you are familiar with annotating the increasing rigor of standards across grade bands. We’re going to do the same thing now with the progression of Science & Engineering Practices from K-12. Have participants look at the Progression handout – then use the instructions from the slide to guide the activity. Allow time for groups to share their “big ideas.”

Outcomes Develop a deeper understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices of The Framework. Analyze the progression of the Science & Engineering Practices across grades K-12. Explore how the Science & Engineering Practices are integrated into instruction for ALL students, specifically students in special populations. Prepare to share research and practice with team members. Remind participants about their survey questions. Give them a minute or so to jot some notes. We’ve taken a thorough look at each of the 8 Science & Engineering Practices and have analyzed how these practices progress across the grades. Now let’s look at how the SEPs are integrated into instruction. We’ll consider the planning, the teaching, and the assessing that go into instruction to impact ALL students – especially those in special populations like ELL, Socio-Economically Disadvantaged, and Ethnic/Minority.

Case Studies A look into how the 3 Dimensions of The Framework are woven together in classroom instruction. Participants will use 3 different case studies of classroom instruction. Each case study highlights teachers working with a different grade and different type of special population. The target here is to dig deep into identifying the SEPs, how they look in classroom instruction, and how much/what kind of planning it takes to incorporate them into instruction. Group participants into teams based on grade level this time: K-5 group, 6-8 group, and 9-12 group. Limit group size to 4. Allow a couple of minutes for people to regroup. Once groups are in place, assign case studies to groups as follows: Case Study #1 for 9-12 group, Case Study #2 for 6-8 group, and Case Study #4 for K-5 group. As you read, annotate the case study to identify the SEPs. Use the Progression to decide if they are on target for the grade level. If they are – how did the teacher plan for this; if not – can you determine why (is it because of scaffolding? Is it lack of experience? etc.)? How did the teacher adapt the lesson/SEP to address the needs of students in special populations? You may want to create a chart of these “look fors” for participants to use as a guide during this activity. After sufficient time, allow for whole group sharing in whatever manner you decide.

Next Steps Target one Science & Engineering Practice and one Crosscutting Concept to… infuse into a lesson before returning to next CCRS meeting. Bring a reflection on: What did you choose, How did you use it, and How do you think it went? Bring student work samples, if generated. Homework this time is the same as before. Share the next steps with participants and ask them to commit. Talk with them to see if they will allow you to come to their classroom and offer assistance with these Next Steps prior to the next QM. Use this as a coaching opportunity. The next CCRS meeting will focus on the Crosscutting Concepts so be more intentional about your planning. Think about how you planned for inclusion of the SEP and CCC for this time.

Outcomes Develop a deeper understanding of the Science & Engineering Practices of The Framework. Analyze the progression of the Science & Engineering Practices across grades K-12. Explore how the Science & Engineering Practices are integrated into instruction for ALL students, specifically students in special populations. Prepare to share research and practice with team members. Take out your Survey Says survey sheet. We’ll wrap up today with the survey.

Survey Questions What is the most valuable learning from the session today? What have you learned so far that will help you as you work with: Special Student Populations? Formative Assessment? In what areas pertaining to CCRS would you like to expand your learning? Ask participants to look at their copy of the Survey Says questions. Take a few minutes to discuss the survey questions with your table/group. Have participants share out whole group. Collect these half-sheets at the end of the session. Participants may leave their surveys on the table or you may choose another means of collecting them. Remember to give these surveys to your SDE coaching counterpart.

Prepare to Share Planning forward How will you recommend that your team shares this information with your LEA? Read the slide. Remind participants that they are the link between this CCRS material and the teachers in their LEA/District. Stress that it is important for them to share with their Implementation Team their ideas for disseminating this information to all teachers of science within their district.