Leading High Performing Teams DOM Women’s Leadership Program Dave Coleman, MD and Mark Braun
Agenda Definition of a team Your team challenges: a dialogue Scenarios Feedback Insights to apply Bonnie to start
A team is…. A team is a small group of individuals with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. (Katzenbach & Smith, 2003, pg 45)
Your Team Challenges Accountability Team members not meeting expectations PI’s not adequately managing their studies Alignment Multiple supervisors w/ different priorities What vs. how Directive boss Different locations and schedules Bonnie to start
Scenario I You want to create a culture of academic success among the faculty on your team. However, some of the faculty have not assumed responsibility for taking the necessary steps to build their respective careers. How should you address this situation with the group? With the individual faculty? Bonnie to start
Scenario II You report to two different individuals. One strongly emphasizes high clinical productivity in your unit and another emphasizes a broader array of quality improvement and academic accomplishments. Your team senses the different expectations. Some members of the team are highly productive clinically but not in other areas. Another group is less productive clinically but provides high quality care and teaches very successfully. How can you handle the different expectations of your bosses and the performance variability among your faculty? Bonnie to start
Insights to Apply to Your Team Bonnie to start