PRODUCTION RETAIL SALES CONSUMER PRICES Survey on Competitiveness in the Textile/Clothing and Leather Sectors of the New Member Countries and Bulgaria and Romania PRODUCTION RETAIL SALES CONSUMER PRICES LODZ 7th April 2005 This documenthas been produced with the financial support of the European Community’s BSP2 programme. The views expressed herein are those of CAST and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission
TEXTILE PRODUCTION Cons. Price Retail Sales 2004 2000 Cl FW TEX Cloth T/C FW/LG BL n.a. 23,8 117,9 105,6 RO 6,7 47,2 23,4 EE 9,3 -24,0 -22,3 84,7 41,3 7,1 PL -4,5 -37,0 -16,5 37,7 18,2 -15,4 SK 9,4 -81,6 -47,5 -63,1 15,8 -3,6 LT -12,1 -2,6 111,1 144,7 12,8 10,4 LU 5,8 -14,3 -12,8 7,3 8,0 FI -0,3 -6,0 -4,0 12,9 6,4 -38,6 CZ 30,3 2,3 -8,0 LV 5,4 15,5 -6,8 104,6 0,1 1,6 MT -12,4 0,0 BE 3,3 -7,6 -17,4 -6,9 -3,8 -43,3 SW -0,2 -10,6 16,2 -5,5 -19,7 AT -1,0 -1,9 -16,9 0,8 -7,1 PT 4,5 -2,3 0,5 -16,2 DE -6,5 -19,1 -13,1 -31,8 E.U.-25 -0,5 -26,7 -30,6 -14,0 -23,2 IT 6,8 -0,4 -16,1 -10,0 -14,4 -5,1 NL -32,2 -8,6 -1,3 -14,7 -21,4 E.U.-15 -15,1 -24,4 ES 8,4 -8,2 -28,3 -16,0 -30,8 DK 1,7 -6,7 -11,9 12,1 -20,3 -36,8 GR 13,3 -64,4 -84,1 12,5 -22,0 -17,3 FR 1,1 -5,7 8,7 -51,1 UK -22,5 -3,7 41,6 -22,7 -33,8 HU 18,1 -5,3 22,4 32,7 -23,3 SL 12,6 -11,0 -4,7 -23,6 IR -14,1 19,4 -11,1 42,2 -27,2 -31,4 CY -12,6 38,7 Import Prices (Extra+Intra) PRODUCTION
CONSIDERATIONS ON TEXTILE PRODUCTION TRENDS A significant decrease both in EU 15 and EU25 Poland shows a positive trend (+18,2%) similarly with most of the New Member States (NMS). Good general performance of the NMS with the significant exceptions of Slovenia ( - 23,6%) and Hungary (- 23,3%) that show decreases similar to those of the most advanced countries like UK and France. Extraordinary performance of Bulgaria (+117,9%) and a very good performance of Romania (+47,2%) and Estonia (+41,3%).
CONSIDERATIONS ON CLOTHING PRODUCTION TRENDS Remarkable decrease both in EU15 (- 21,4%) and EU25 (- 23,2%) Poland shows a negative trend, more negative than most NMS. Good performance of some of the NMS with the significant exceptions of Slovenia (- 21,4%) and Poland (- 15,4%). Extraordinary performance of Bulgaria (+105,5%) and good performance of Romania (+23,4%).
CONSIDERATIONS ON RETAIL SALES TRENDS Textile/Clothing and Leather Goods The average trend is slightly positive in the EU25 (+8%) and EU 15 (+7,1%). Poland shows an increase of 37,7%; a good performance among the NMS. Best performers are the Baltic States (Lithuania +144,7%; Latvia +104,6%; Estonia + 84,7%). Remarkable increases also in UK, Ireland, Cyprus ca. +40%), far higher than many NMS. Bad performances of large EU countries such as Germany -12,8%, Italy -10,0% and partially Spain –1,3% who depress the overall average.
CONSIDERATIONS ON CONSUMER PRICES TRENDS Clothing and Footwear Prices have been stable in the EU25 (-0,4%) and EU 15 (-0,4%). In Poland prices show a deflationary trend (-4,5%), although not one of the lowest. There is no apparent direct relation between the quantity trends represented by the index of retail sales and prices.