Doing Research Starting Research Finding Sources and Collecting Information Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Citing Sources Using APA Style JC Tacapan
“RESEARCH and INQUIRY are the keys to discovery.” OBJECTIVES To develop our own dependable “research process” that will help us inquire into topics that interest us. To devise a “research plan” for our projects that allows us to stay on schedule and keep track of sources and information. To assess whether sources are reliable and trustworthy. To identify two common kinds of research papers. To develop a topic and angle for an effective research paper. To properly cite sources and format research papers. “RESEARCH and INQUIRY are the keys to discovery.”
Exploring topics systematically Research 3 Important Uses Exploring topics systematically Hands-on experience Researchers gather information in order to investigate an issue and explain it to other people. Inquire Factual evidence Researchers, esp. scientists, collect and analyze facts to increase or strengthen our knowledge about a subject. Advance knowledge Secondary sources Research can be used to persuade others and support a particular side of an argument while gaining a full understanding of the opposing view Support an argument PURSUING TRUTH DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE
Define Your Research Question Develop A Working Thesis (Hypothesis) Devise A Research Plan Kinds of sources Ways to collect sources Collect Sources Electronic and Online Sources Print Sources Empirical Sources Modify Working Thesis NO Determine Whether Facts Verify Working Thesis YES Accept Working Thesis Assess the Reliability of Each Source Is the source reliable? How biased are the author and the publisher? How biased are you? Is the source up to date? Can you independently verify the information in the source? Triangulate Facts among the Sources
. Introduction First Issue or Time Period Factual overview of Issue Research papers can be organized a variety of ways. The models below show two basic patterns that you can adjust to fit your topic, angle, purpose, readers, and content. Introduction First Issue or Time Period Factual overview of Issue Second Issue or Time Period Explanation of opposing views Third Issue or Time Period Argument for your view . Conclusion References
Introduction Body paragraphs Conclusion References An effective research paper uses sources to explain an issue or argue for a position. They tend to have the following major features: Identifies the research paper’s topic and purpose, while clearly stating a thesis or main point that you will support or prove; it should offer background information and explain why the topic is important. Introduction Use an issue-by-issue or chronological pattern to present the results of your research ; the body is divided into sections with headings. Body paragraphs Restates the thesis or main point of the research paper and summarizes your main points. Conclusion Includes a list of references in a standardized citation style (APA or MLA style) References
Major types of research papers Expository Research Paper Argumentative Research Paper Expository means to “exhibit” or “explain” what you have discovered about your topic. Expository research papers explain an issue, event, or trend, without making an overt argument for one side. Argumentation involves choosing one side of the issue and using your research to support your side while disputing opposing views.
The Rogerian Argument Framework TWO BASIC ORGANIZATIONS You will learn OBJECTIVES Develop an argument thesis about controversial issues The Rogerian Argument Framework Describe the strengths and limitations of opposing viewpoints Use evidence and reasoning to back up your thesis You will strengthen your argument because readers will see you as fair-minded and knowledgeable You will deepen your understanding You might even alter your position, either slightly or radically To explore two or more sides of a controversial topic PURPOSE To argue fairly and reasonably for one side over the others ARGUMENT FEATURES INTRODUCTION: states the issue being debated, identify the issue’s two or more sides, and usually offers an explicit thesis that the argument will support TWO BASIC ORGANIZATIONS Opposing positions are described upfront; then your own position is explained Introduction You make a point-by-point comparison, explaining why your position is better than others Summary of opposing positions, including strengths Major point of difference Opposing positions Your position OBJECTIVE SUMMARY of opposing views, including their strengths POINT-BY-POINT DISCUSSION of the limitations of opposing views Limitations of opposing positions Major point of difference Opposing positions Your position SUMMARY of your viewpoint and your understanding of the issue Your understanding of the issue, describing both strengths and limitations of your position Major point of difference Opposing positions Your position POINT-BY-POINT DISCUSSION of both strengths and limitations of your position, arguing overall that yours is superior Reasons your understanding is better than the opposing views’ understanding CONCLUSION that drives home your thesis and looks to the future Conclusion