Direction: Students who take longer to run the sprint typically have shorter jumps. This means there is a negative association between sprint time and distance jumped. Form: There is a somewhat linear pattern in the scatterplot. Strength: Since the points do not closely conform to a linear pattern, the association is not very strong. Outliers: There is one possible outlier—the student who took 8.09 seconds for the sprint but jumped 151 inches. C. Correlation= r= 0.74705. Pretty Strong/Strong
#2 (a) If all the men were 6 inches shorter, the correlation would not change. The correlation tells us that there is a weak to moderate association between women’s heights and men’s heights (that is, that taller women tend to date taller men), but it does not tell us whether or not they tend to date men taller than themselves.
#2 (b) The correlation would not change because correlation does not have units associated with it.
#3 1: Women at age 4 and their height as women at age 18 to be the highest correlation since it is reasonable to expect taller children to become taller adults and shorter children to become shorter adults. 2: Heights of male parents and their adult children. Tall fathers tend to have tall sons, but typically not as tall, and likewise for shorter fathers. 3: The lowest correlation would be between husbands and their wives. Husbands may be taller than their wives in general, but there is no reason to expect anything more than a weak positive correlation.