Tumor Viruses
Tumor Viruses- animal viruses capable of causing cancer DNA tumor viruses retroviruses (RNA)
DNA viruses Hepatitis B viruses smallest genomes of DNA viruses infect liver cells drive abnormal proliferation and cell survival
DNA viruses Simian virus 40 and polyomavirus- not associated with human cancer viral gene integrates with DNA of cell results in transformation
DNA viruses Papillomaviruses infect epithelial cells warts or malignant tumors cervical cancer interferes with apoptosis
DNA viruses Adenoviruses used as models in cancer biology not naturally associated with cancers in humans and animals
DNA viruses Herpesviruses Epstein Barr virus lymphoma and carcinoma transforms B lymphocytes
Retroviruses RNA viruses HIV Rous Sarcoma Virus first viral oncogene discovered