Butanol is likely to inhibit translation via effects on eIF2B. Butanol is likely to inhibit translation via effects on eIF2B. (A) Polysome analyses from butanol‐sensitive and ‐resistant strains carrying either the appropriate empty high copy vectors (pRS424 and pRS425) or the eIF2B high copy plasmids: sensitive pMK31 (p[GCD1S GCD6]); or resistant pMK32 (p[GCD1R GCD6 LEU2 2μ])] as well as pAV1492 p[GCD7 GCD2 GCN3 TRP1 2 μ]. Strains were grown in SCD‐Trp‐Leu and 1% butanol was added to half the culture for 10 min (+but). (B) Serial dilution plate assays for butanol‐resistant (BUTR) (yMK23), butanol‐sensitive (BUTS) (yMK36) and various gcd mutant strains (yMK641–647). The plates were grown at 24°C (due to the temperature sensitivity of the gcd mutants) for 3 days (YPD) or 4 days (YPD + 1% butanol). The lower panels show the effects of a high copy eIF2 plasmid (p1780) or vector in the gcd1‐101 strain background (yMK639 and yMK640). Growth was for 3 days (SCD‐Ura) or 4 days (SCD‐Ura + 1% butanol). Mark P. Ashe et al. EMBO J. 2001;20:6464-6474 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend