Electronically Filing a Return Submitting E-files VITA/TCE Training Electronically Filing a Return Submitting E-files
Submitting E-files Topics include Selecting e-files to submit Adding corrected rejects to submit IN PPT Now we are going to cover selecting the electronic files to submit and adding corrected rejects to submit
Submitting E-files IN PPT If you have a security template that allows you to submit e-files, click Select on the Transmissions line Instructor Note: this slide is animated
Selecting E-files IN PPT The first thing you are going to do is select the check boxes for the returns you want to submit. You can select Check All to include all of the returns listed in the submission. If you have made corrections to rejected returns, they DO NOT automatically show up in this list. Click Add Returns Selected the corrected rejects and click Add Returns Click Transmit Selected Returns to the IRS Instructor Note: this slide is animated
Submitting E-files IN PPT Next you will see a confirmation of the transmission One you transmit the return, the client status will change to transmitted All e-Files submitted to the TaxSlayer Processing Center go through a secondary validation check. If the e-file does not pass this secondary validation, an EFC reject is issued. Correcting EFC rejects will be covered in the Working Rejects lesson. The TaxSlayer development team reviews all validation errors received during this secondary process to determine if programmatic changes can be made. Instructor Note: this slide is animated
Submitting E-files Q&A