BELLWORK: 4/13 Why did the German public think they were winning WWI? Why did General Ludendorff & Kaiser Wilhelm agree to an armistice? How did this impact how the German public viewed the Treaty of Versailles? (could reference source on pg.115) Why was it difficult for the “Big Three” to agree on terms in the Treaty of Versailles? What made it difficult to punish Germany? How did WWI impact Hitler’s foreign policy? Summarize the arguments made in Hitler’s Treaty of Versailles speech (116-7). How does this provide evidence of Hitler’s foreign policy aims?
Introduction to the origins of Nazism Just like Italy, Germany was angered over the effects of WWI and the humiliating Treaty of Versailles. Both would become key factors in the rise of Nazism and Hitler. For homework, read about the beginning of Hitler’s Rise: pages 111-117!
2.2 The impact of Nazism on German Foreign Policy: The Origins 1918-1933
Partner discussion: Germany and the end of WWI 14 Points (pg.113) Treaty of Versailles (pg. 114) Based on these points, what kind of agreement do you think Germany was hoping to obtain? Which article was MOST restrictive of Germany? Which was most likely to anger Germans?
HOMEWORK: DUE Monday! Read pages 117-126 in the 2.2 packet! Focus your annotations on: Ideas proposed in Mein Kampf How his ideas influenced foreign policy Events in Germany leading to Hitler’s rise in power Failure of the Weimar Republic Munich Putsch Factors that allowed Hitler to consolidate his power and become a dictator
BELLWORK: April 16th List three problems of the Weimar Republic. Describe the effects of the Munich Putsch of 1923. Summarize Hitler’s three foreign policy goals outlined in Mein Kampf. Who was Gustav Stresemann? How did he bring political/economic stability to Germany in the 1920’s. What changed this? THINKER: How was the rise of Fascism in Italy similar to Germany? How was it different?
Group Discussion Weimar Republic Munich Putsch List the problems with the Weimar Republic. How would these problems lead to the rise of Nazism? What was the goal of the Munich Putsch? List the effects of the Munich Putsch.
Hitler’s foreign policy goals Pan-Germanism Racial Superiority/ Living Space Enemies & Allies
What is the difference between the SS and SA? Sturmabteilung (SA): Brownshirts Schutzstaffel (SS) SS led by Heinrich Himmler
Gustav Stresemann “The Crisis Years” (1919-1923): Ruhr Crisis, political instability, riots, unemployment, inflation, etc. As liberal chancellor/foreign minister (1924-1929): Stopped hyperinflation Stabilized currency Dawes/Young Plan – U.S. aide for reparations Regenerated economy = job growth Why was this stability BAD for Nazism? Why did this change?
Hitler vs. Mussolini How is the rise of Fascism in Germany similar to Italy? How is it different?
REVIEW: What factors allowed hitler to become a dictator? Ideological factors (beliefs of Nazi party) Economic factors (impact of G.D.) Political factors (Elections & laws) Popular support (reasons why)
How did the great depression impact Germany? Reliant on U.S. economy for loans and stability Unemployment reached 6 million Solution? Cut government spending! = wages cuts and job losses Agriculture fails as food prices fall Banks began to fail Industrial production dropped by over 50% This caused citizens to turn towards more extreme parties.
BELLWORK: 4/19 (Ironically enough… hitler’s bday) As you know, we should always consider historiography when interpretation/analyzing events. Describe the different historiographical views about Hitler’s plan and goals. (pg. 126) Which historian do you agree with? Explain!
Hitler’s rise: the color films Take notes on: Hitler’s Expansionist Tactics Hitler’s Campaign Tactics (propaganda) Hitler’s Support Hitler’s Tactics for Consolidating Power
HOMEWORK Since you will be missing a class period on Friday, you need to read the entirety of the 2.3 packet on Italian Expansionism by Monday!