Unit 2: GILDED AGE & PROGRESSIVE ERA Social Issues & Reform
HOMESTEAD ACT 1862 People were granted plots of land, and had to agree to work and live on the land for 5 years. This new law helped encourage settlers to move west.
CHISHOLM TRAIL The ERA of the long drive began in 1867 The trail went from San Antonio, TX to Abilene, Kansas The cattle were put on rail cars and shipped to cities like Chicago
DAWES ACT 1887 law passes to try and assimilate Indians into white society. A tribe could no longer own reservation land as a group
Assimilation Activity Each group must come up with their own society and culture. Complete the form based on items you all agree with. If you need to use a vote, flip a coin, or rock paper scissor, do so. Draw a unique flag that represents your society.
African American Reformers W. E. B. Du Bois Booker T. Washington