By: Charlotte Saachi Gage Vanessa Tornadoes By: Charlotte Saachi Gage Vanessa
What is a Tornado? A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. A tornado is grey in color and shaped like an elephant trunk. The width of a tornado is about the size of a football field but in some cases it can be almost a mile wide. Tornadoes are dark in color because it picks up dust from the ground and spins it around.
Causes of a Tornado They form with Thunderstorm Cold and hot winds swirl together and make a Tornado. Most strong and violent Tornadoes form within this of a strong rotation. Cold and hot wind swirl together and make a Tornado . Through March and August for the Southern states. Anytime of the year for us. The most common states are the southern states of U.S.A.( Oklahoma Kansas Texas Dakota Nebraska). One part of the USA is called the Tornado Alley.
Tornadoes: Survival Kit You will need: Food clear water emergency kit dry canned food water bottles flash lights Clothing emergency radio and batteries
Staying Safe Effects of Tornadoes Tornadoes are very powerful. They can even rip down buildings too. Tornadoes can rip trees off the ground. They can also take very heavy cars and pick them up. Staying Safe Stay indoors until it is safe to come out. Check for injured people without getting yourself injured. Watch out for broken power lines.
Interesting facts about Tornado A Tornado moves across countries. Tornadoes are made of wind. About 50 tornadoes happen a year. In 1989 the deadliest tornado ever recorded in the world killed around 1300 people in Bangledash. Tornados that form in the desert are called dust devil. More than one Tornado can form at one time.
Tornado Vocabulary Deadly Fierce Violent Threatening Causing death. Acting or done with strong, rough force violent blow. Threatening To be a cause of possible harm or worry to. Deadly Causing death. Fierce Very great or strong.