Scrum Overview
Scrum Overview (simplified diagram) Review/retrospective (from
Scrum Activities Sprint planning Sprint execution Sprint retrospective Daily scrum Sprint planning Sprint execution Sprint retrospective Sprint review
Scrum Roles Who’s the boss? Who are these people? Product owner ScrumMaster Development team Who’s the boss? Who? How many?
Scrum Roles Who are these people? Product owner ScrumMaster Guiding team on creating, following process; removing impediments Scrum Roles Who are these people? Product owner ScrumMaster Development team What problems will we have in implementing Scrum roles in this course? What will be developed, and in what order 5-9 people: determines how to deliver what product owner requests.
Product Backlog Items (PBIs) What goes in here? Who manages these items? What is “grooming”? How are the PBIs ordered? How are the PBIs measured? Are they the same size?
Sprints What is a sprint? How long does one last? The textbook author indicates 1-4 weeks, but MSOE affiliates use a 2-week minimum
Copyright © 2012-2014 Mark J. Sebern Sprint Planning What are these components? How does planning work? Copyright © 2012-2014 Mark J. Sebern
PBIs vs Tasks Measurement units (story points, hours)? Mapping between PBIs and tasks? Types of tasks and definition of done Design, code, review, test, etc.
Sprint Execution (1) Doing the work! Performing the identified tasks Tracking progress (more later . . .) Adapting to emergent knowledge (Re)allocating team effort as needed
Sprint Execution (2) What is the daily scrum? What are the three questions?
Sprint Execution (2) What is the daily scrum? "Stand-up" meeting (< 15 minutes) 3 questions answered by each member: What have I accomplished (since last)? What do I plan to have done (by next)? What is keeping me from progressing?
Sprint Execution (3) What is the potentially-shippable product? What’s the purpose/motivation? What is “done”? How about “done done”?
Sprint Execution (4): Inspect and Adapt Sprint review Focus on the product (includes feedback) Sprint retrospective Focus on process (process/practice improvement)
Review/retrospective Scrum process Roles Product owner, Scrummaster, Developers Product backlog, sprint backlog Sprint execution Potentially shippable product increment – done work Review Retrospective