SCRUM PROCESS RELEASE SCRUM PROCESS M SCRUM ROLES Sprint planning meeting Daily Cycle Updateproductbacklog Sprint retrospective Sprint review Business case & funding Contractual agreement Vision Initial productbacklog Initial release plan Stakeholderbuy-in Assemble team PREPARATION Product increment RELEASE SCRUM PROCESS M Scrum master SCRUM ROLES Product owner Team members Users Users Stakeholders
Textexample Textexample SCRUM PROCESS 24 h Scrum 24 HOURS 30 DAYS 15 min. Daily meeting. Team members respond to basics: What did you do since last Scrum Meeting? Do you have anyobstacles? What will you do untill nest Scrum Meeting? 24 HOURS Textexample Sprint Backlog Features assigned to sprint Backlog Items expanded by team 30 DAYS ProductBacklog Prioritized product features desired by client New functionality
Update product backlog SCRUM PROCESS Daily Scrum Daily Work Daily Cycle Sprint Planning meeting Business case & funding Contractual agreement Vision Initial productbacklog Initial release plan Stakeholderbuy-in Assemble team PREPARATION RELEASE Product increment SCRUM PROCESS Update product backlog Sprint review Sprint retrospective Example text Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text
Update product backlog SCRUM PROCESS Daily Scrum Daily Work Daily Cycle Sprint Planning meeting Business case & funding Contractual agreement Vision Initial productbacklog Initial release plan Stakeholderbuy-in Assemble team PREPARATION RELEASE Product increment SCRUM PROCESS Update product backlog Impediment List Sprint review Product backlog Sprint retrospective SCRUM ARTEFACTS Product backlog Delta report Product backlog burndown Example text Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text Sprint backlog Sprint backlog burndown
SCRUM PROCESS 24 H 1 - 4 WEEKS Example text Sprint Backlog ProductBacklog Features prioritized by client Sprint Backlog Features assigned to sprint Estimated by team Team Commitment New Product
SCRUM PROCESS 24 H 1 - 4 WEEKS Review Example text Retrospective ProductBacklog Features prioritized by client Sprint Backlog Features assigned to sprint Estimated by team Team Commitment Retrospective
Textexample Textexample SCRUM PROCESS 24 h Scrum 24 HOURS 30 DAYS 15 min. Daily meeting. Team members respond to basics: What did you do since last Scrum Meeting? Do you have anyobstacles? What will you do untill nest Scrum Meeting? 24 HOURS Textexample Sprint Backlog Features assigned to sprint Backlog Items expanded by team 30 DAYS ProductBacklog Exampletext New functionality
SCRUM BOARD To Do Doing Done Example text This is an example text