Title: Extreme Education DATE: Title: Extreme Education LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To be able to explain how social media can be used as a tool for modern propaganda To be able to answer a thought provoking question they have designed in an essay style Project: Exploring extremism. School: St Bedes & St Joseph’s Catholic College, Bradford. Date: September 2016
Starter Activity You have 5 minutes to look over your tweets before you will need to pair & share. Then we will discuss this as a class. I have asked you to complete your tweets about what you have learnt about the lesson for a few of the lessons during this unit. Look back at your ‘Tweets’ and consider the following: How would someone wanting to exploit (use) you use your tweets to gain your trust? Why would your tweets be of interest to the police/government? Learning Objective: To be able to explain how social media can be used as a tool for modern propaganda
MAIN TASK -30 MINUTES-COMPUTER TASK In your answer you should: Introduce your argument-what was the question? Clearly present your argument (e.g. I believe that …) what examples from your research support it? You should also discuss any relevant points from the lessons you have had to support your viewpoint- –at least 3 supporting examples. Analyse why people may disagree with you to support your argument try to explain why the opposition are wrong using examples to strengthen your argument Conclude your argument – There are 3 parts to a conclusion you should do: Restate the main statement of your argument Presents one or two general sentences which accurately recaps your argument and supports the main point 3. Provides a general points as to why the alternative viewpoint cannot be correct At the start of this unit you were asked to create an essay question you would like to be able to answer by the end of the unit. You have 30 minutes to use the computers and collect relevant sources (print them with the URL) You will then have the rest of the lesson to answer your questions using your sources to help you give examples for your PEEL Chains.
General WWW & EBI Feedback Plenary General WWW & EBI Feedback Swap your work with a partner. You should give advice on what you think they have done well (WWW) and what you think they could improve (EBI) https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjdmZqn2YvNAhWqLMAKHeRwCJYQjB0IBg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.schoolstamps.co.uk%2Fwriting-assessment-ks3-teacher-stamp.html&bvm=bv.123664746,d.ZGg&psig=AFQjCNG4BLCbqbSG34mRU1WyE8y0i641mA&ust=1465037777158130