Republic of Congo The Republic of the Congo is in Central Africa next to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Its official language is French
The National Anthem of the Country ource=video&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwju pKSJvcrWAhVHTCYKHbFTDMQQtwIIKDAA&url=https XG43HDQ&usg=AFQjCNHw2OlNZEcLAl9rnLpZUVuhVc Jeqg The National Anthem of the Country
Kentucky compared to the republic of Congo
The Republic of Congo has an interesting history… IT gained independence on August 15th, 1960, from the Middle Congo It was a Marxist country until 1990 It is one of Africa’s biggest petroleum producers Its capital is Brazzaville It had a civil war after stopping Marxism and after, restored its country back to its Marxist president History The Republic of Congo has an interesting history…
The Republic of Congo borders Angola, Gabon and the South Atlantic Ocean It is a very tropical and rainy country The country is one of the biggest producers of petroleum in Africa Geography Of the Congo
The Congo uses Congolese Francs 1565 Congolese francs is the equivalent to 1 US dollar The Congo uses Congolese Francs
Some random and cool facts about the Congo Over 215 Languages are spoken there, although French is the dominant one They are mostly Christian, including Catholics and Protestant, although there are some Muslims and a lot of other individual religions They produce a lot of grains and crops Random Facts Some random and cool facts about the Congo
They use fermented bread called kwanga and use lots of grains and fish They have a baked fish served with cooked plantains Goat meat with rice and green vegetables Also they use rabbit as a grand dessert on special occasions Congolese dishes
The current president has been in power for the past 16 years and people think he should stand down Oil is holding up the economy and many live in poverty New news and headlines
The Congo has a rich and interesting history The Congo’s History is great and is very interesting. There are so many languages spoken down there and they have a great culture. The Congo has a rich and interesting history