Français 1 Madame Tennen


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Français 1 Madame Tennen Email: Phone: 482-8771 x2179 Website: Room: H-23 Français 1 Madame Tennen Bienvenue! Welcome to French 1. I’m excited that you’ve chosen to begin your study of the French language. In French 1, you will be introduced to French language and culture, and you will begin using the language to communicate and express yourself. Grades: Practice (30%): Includes homework and in-class assignments. Minor Assessments (30%): Includes short-term projects, quizzes, and other formative assessments. Major Assessments (40%): Includes long-term projects, exams, and other summative assessments These grades will average into a numerical grade corresponding to the following letter grades: A 93-100%; A- 90-92%; B+ 87-89%; B 83-86%; B- 80-82%; C+ 77-79%; C 73-76%; C- 70-72%; D+ 67-69%; D 63-66%; D- 60-62%; F 0-59%. Makeups: If absent, go to website to see missing work, check missing work folders, ask a classmate, or come see Madame Tennen during tutoring hours. You have 2 school days for every one day of school that is missed, and work assigned prior to the first day of absence is due the day the student returns to class. Retakes: If a student doesn’t show proficiency on an assigned task, s/he can reattempt the assignment ONCE within 2 weeks of original assignment date. I strongly recommend attending tutoring before attempting a retake. See Madame Tennen to schedule an appointment. The new grade is the final grade. Materials: A folder or notebook to store handouts distributed in class Something to write on every class A pen or pencil every class Donations of tissue boxes, pens/pencils, markers, and scratch paper appreciated Course Goals/Expectations: Speak French! Be fearless with your language skills. Take risks and make mistakes! Infer meaning and circumlocute (describe the word, draw it or act it out if you don’t know it). Participate, be respectful and be part of our language COMMUNITY! Electronics policy: All electronic devices must be put away by the beginning of the block.  Devices will be used when needed for an instructional activity. When devices are not being used for instructional purposes, the school policy will be followed.

Semester 1 Learning Targets I can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized. I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions. I can write lists and memorized phrases on familiar topics. I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I hear them spoken. I can recognize some letters or characters. I can understand some learned or memorized words and phrases when I read. Flex Plan for TAG-Identified or TAG-Potential Students: The Ashland High School World Languages department recognizes that students learn at varying rates and levels. Throughout the year, TAG-identified students may have the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the class curriculum. Flex plan guidelines include: Students can qualify for or request accommodations from their teacher. Rate and level of learning will be assessed on an individual basis. Opportunities will not add additional work on top of existing course requirements. Curriculum accommodations will vary based on the unit of study. Proposal of design and grading of differentiated and/or accelerated work will be determined at the time of request and should involve student input. Semester 2 Learning Targets I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions. I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences. I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life. I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said. I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read. Statement on Academic Honesty: Students are expected to exhibit personal integrity at all times in regards to their schoolwork. Students acting dishonestly in any way including cheating, plagiarizing, copying homework or in any other way misrepresenting another’s work for their own will experience severe consequences. Discipline measures may include being assigned detention, failing the assignment, dropping a semester grade, or being suspended. A parent conference will be required of serious or repeated infractions. Consequences: Consequences to distracting and unacceptable actions can include: verbal warning, time owed, environmental or seating change, parent contact, teacher/coach contact, AP contact or referral.