Lab 2 Part 1 Step 1: Install DMDX
1. Open the Lab 2 folder. 2. Open the file
3. Double click on the file that is labeled DMDX.msi.
This will begin installation.
Click through the installation steps.
Click through the installation steps.
Click through the installation steps.
Click through the installation steps.
Lab 2 Part 1 Step 2: Running TimeDX
The first time you open TimeDX, you might see some dialog boxes like these: What you select doesn’t matter as long as you select something.
The first time you open TimeDX, you might see some dialog boxes like these: What you select doesn’t matter as long as you select something.
The first time you open TimeDX, you might see some dialog boxes like these: What you select doesn’t matter as long as you select something.
1. Click on the ADVANCED TESTS menu at the top of the screen.
2. Click on the first option: TIME VIDEO MODE.
3. You will see a screen like this for a few seconds:
4. When this window pops up, click DO TEST.
5. You will see this screen: Watch the top line where it is counting off milliseconds...
5. Let it get up to at least 10000, and then hit RETURN/ENTER.
6. Click SAVE LAST USED VALUES IN REGISTRY. 7. Click DONE. 8. Close TimeDX: Click FILE, and then click EXIT TIMEDX.
Lab 2 Part 1 Step 3: Running DMDX
IMPORTANT! Before you open DMDX... Make sure all other programs are closed. Make sure your screensaver is either disabled or set to come on after at least one hour.
When you open DMDX, you will see a window like this:
Click BROWSE and find the file you need to run. For the experiment, you will need to open the correct file based on your student ID. For right now, open the file labeled Test.rtf.
Click RUN and the experiment will start.
Instructions: In each trial, you will see a string of letters in the center of the screen, after a brief fixation string of ‘#’ signs. Your task is to respond whether the letter-string is a word or not. Please press ‘F’ (left) if the letter-string is a Word. Please press ‘J’ (right) if the letter string is Not a Word. Please respond as quickly and accurately as you can. When you’re ready to begin, please press the spacebar.
A few notes: Please find a quiet room and make sure you have enough time to complete the entire experiment without interruptions. There are some breaks built in to the experiment. Do NOT take a break unless the screen says that you may! Your data will be saved in the Lab 2 folder - the same place you found the file to run the experiment.