Geo-Needs An NSF funded project to explore barriers and opportunities for enhancing geoscience instruction at two-year colleges and minority-serving institutions Welcome – Sunday night dinner. First we’ll do introductions of everyone (you and us) – SPEED DATING (Dave to facilitate) Then introduce the project, goals, and activities, and talk about how you might want to spend your week at the Rendezvous. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. DUE-1445227 (Petcovic), DUE-1445228 (Turner & LaDue), DUE-1445182 (Cartwright), and DUE-1445210 (Mogk). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Geo-Needs: Broadening Participation in the Geosciences Workforce July 21-22, 2016 Earth Educators Rendezvous Madison, WI Slides for EER workshop, DAY 1 This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. DUE-1445227 (Petcovic), DUE-1445228 (Turner & LaDue), DUE-1445182 (Cartwright), and DUE-1445210 (Mogk). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
DAY 1 AGENDA Geo-Needs 8:30-8:45 Introductions and Goals 8:45-9:15 Participant Introductions 9:15-9:45 Focus on Your Students 9:45-10:15 Personal Writing Time (and Break) 10:15-11:00 Focus on Your Course / Curriculum / Program 11:00-11:15 Reflection, Homework, and Next Steps 11:15-11:30 Evaluation Road Check Geo-Needs Briefly review agenda - also available on website (Heather)
INTRODUCTIONS Geo-Needs Heather Petcovic Lead PI Western Michigan University David Mogk PI Montana State University Geo-Needs Tina Cartwright PI Marshall University Emily Ward Project Evaluator Rocky Mountain College Sheldon Turner PI Triton College Nicole LaDue PI Northern Illinois University Introductions – Project team says hello. Introduce Nicole, Sheldon, and Xai. Monica Bruckner Technical Support SERC Andrew Bentley Graduate Assistant Western Michigan University Xai Her Graduate Assistant Northern Illinois University
DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES What do we mean by “geosciences”? Adopt AGI’s (2014) definition inclusive of Geoscientist Subdivided into environmental science, hydrology, oceanography, atmospheric science, geology, geophysics, climate science, geochemistry, and paleontology Geoscience Engineer Environmental, exploration, geotechnical, and manager Geo-Needs (Heather) Start by talking about the underrepresentation problem in the Geosciences - many folks in the audience already know this, but we share background info so all are on the same page.
DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES Who are Underrepresented Minorities (URMs)? African American, Hispanic, and Native American/Alaskan Might include Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, women, multiracial persons, persons with disabilities, and first-generation college students URMs in the Geosciences (AGI, 2014) ~30% of Americans ~9% of the science/engineering workforce (NCES, 2010) ~7-8% of the geoscience workforce ~18% of science/engineering bachelors degrees (NCES, 2010) ~7-8% of geoscience bachelors degrees Geo-Needs
DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES Geosciences at 2YCs (AGI, 2014) 24% of 2YCs offer a geoscience course or program 27% of all students who earn a geoscience degree spent at least 1 semester at a 2YC ~35% of students at 2YCs are URMs 18% of Associates degrees are awarded to URM students Geosciences at MSIs (our preliminary data) 469 federally designated MSIs 2.5% of institutions with geoscience programs are MSIs ~33% of HSIs have a geoscience department or program ~5% of TCUs have a geoscience department or program ~4.5% of HBCUs have a geoscience department or program Geo-Needs
PROJECT GOALS Geo-Needs Identify and clarify barriers and opportunities for better use of existing instructional resources that engage underrepresented students in the geosciences at two-year colleges (2YCs) and minority-serving institutions (MSIs) Explore with stakeholders what an “ideal” model of resources, professional development, and ongoing support for faculty and institutions might look like Geo-Needs Introduce Geo-Needs (still Heather) Start with our motivations and the source of this project (history) – four of the PIs met at an NSF-sponsored “Ideas Lab” that was intended to foster innovative ideas about the persistent problem of minority underrepresentation in the geosciences. Years of investments have made some progress, but geosciences remains among the least ethnically/racially diverse of the STEM fields. We came together around the idea that substantial work has been focused over the past few decades on creating instructional materials and programs to support broader participation in the geosciences. What can we do to leverage all of this work?
PROJECT ACTIVITIES Geo-Needs AUGUST 2015: Four focus group meetings with key stakeholders to make recommendations for increasing access to the geosciences at 2YCs and MSIs Products: meeting report and summary, website ( JULY 2016: Support 20 participants to attend the EER Workshop to develop action plans for broadening participation at 2YCs and MSIs Geo-Needs What we have done so far: Project started with a series of focus groups meetings with key stakeholder groups (2YC and MSI instructors, 2YC and MSI administrators, providers of educational resources in the geosciences, and researchers with expertise in diversity and equity in higher education or the geosciences. Each meeting had brainstorming and discussion sessions focused on exploring barriers and opportunities for geoscience instruction at 2YCs and MSIs. We collecting this input and organized it into the meeting report, summary, and project website. Now: following this work we wanted to move toward expanding access to the Geosciences by supporting 2YC and MSI faculty to engage with the geoscience education community at the EER.
EER WORKSHOP GOALS Geo-Needs Build capacity of individuals and institutions to offer geoscience courses and programs Offer professional development to faculty and administrators with limited experience in the geosciences Develop an Action Plan to increase instruction in Earth Sciences at MSIs and 2YCs serving underrepresented students Collect and share Action Plans on the Geo-Needs website Geo-Needs We have 4 project goals for the Rendezvous: The first two relate to building capacity to offer geosciences at 2YCs and MSIs. First, we want to support institutions and instructors from 2YCs and MSIs that currently have little to no geoscience offerings expand their capacity. We will do this by providing professional development for faculty and administrators from these institutions. Data from the NSF and AGI suggest that increasing geoscience offerings at these institutions which typically have high minority populations can have a big impact on diversity in the geosciences overall. Our third and fourth goals relate to developing actions that you can take to increase participation in the geosciences by minority students in your institutions, and sharing these plans with the broader community. Our Th-Fr workshop will be focused on developing these plans and preparing them to submit to the project website. Your action plans (and those of the other workshop participants) will become available as case studies for other instructors and administrators to use as resources in their work in geoscience diversity.
GOALS FOR PARTICIPANTS What we hope you get from this workshop: Network with participants to learn about other programs, contexts, and opportunities for geoscience instruction at 2YCs and MSIs Identify resources that might support your personal situation Develop an action plan for next steps after this meeting Geo-Needs What we hope you get out of coming here! (still Heather)
WORKING GROUPS Geo-Needs NEED TO ASSIGN PEOPLE TO GROUPS! (Dave to facilitate all else)
PARTICIPANT INTRODUCTIONS In your assigned small groups, discuss: What is your institutional setting? What is your institutional mission? How is Earth Science currently taught at your institution, or how/where could it be taught ? What course/curriculum/program would you like to work on at this workshop to support broadening participation in the Earth Sciences? Geo-Needs NEED TO ASSIGN PEOPLE TO GROUPS! (Dave to facilitate all else)
A FOCUS ON YOUR STUDENTS In small groups, discuss: Who are your students? Where do they come from? What is the demographic profile of your student population? What are their aspirations? What career paths do they follow, or what career paths are available to them? What knowledge, skills, and personal attributes will the students need to be successful? What can you build into your course design that will help them get there? Geo-Needs
PERSONAL WRITING TIME Geo-Needs Individual writing time: Begin to fill out your Action Plan with information on your institutional setting and information about your targeted student population. Take a break if you need one! Geo-Needs
A FOCUS ON YOUR PLAN Geo-Needs In small groups, discuss: What course/curriculum/extracurricular program are you planning to develop? Who is your target audience (K-12, public, current students, new students, etc.)? What are the course, curriculum, or project goals and outcomes - what do you hope to accomplish? For example What are your student or participant learning goals and outcomes? What are the key concepts, content and/or skills that you expect your students or participants to master? How does the course/curriculum/program impact diversity in the geosciences? Geo-Needs
REFLECTION AND NEXT STEPS Whole group report-out: What is your course, curriculum, or extracurricular activity? What have you learned from Geo-Needs that will support your course/curriculum/program, development? What have you learned or experienced at the EER that will help? What other resources from On the Cutting Edge, InTeGrate, or other sources do you think you will use in your course design? Geo-Needs
EVALUATION AND HOMEWORK Evaluation Road-Check Please go to roadcheck.html Homework: Enjoy the rest of the Rendezvous afternoon offerings Work on your action plans Geo-Needs