#59 Chapter 22 Section 5 THE END OF THE WAR AND ITS LEGACY OBJECTIVE: Understand how the Vietnam War ended and the effect the war had on the U.S.
I. President Nixon and Vietnamization Vietnamization --- Nixon’s plan to end U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. U.S. troops gradually withdraw, South Vietnam troops take over.
Nixon calls for “peace with honor” to maintain U.S. dignity. Orders bombing of North Vietnam, Vietcong hideouts in Laos, Cambodia. Why???
II. Trouble Continues on the Home Front The My Lai Massacre- news breaks that U.S. platoon massacred 300+ civilians in My Lai village. Lt. William Calley, Jr., in command, is convicted, imprisoned.
The Invasion of Cambodia- 1970, U. S The Invasion of Cambodia- 1970, U.S. troops invade Cambodia to remove Vietcong supply centers. 1.5 million protesting college students close down 1,200 campuses. Violence on Campus- National Guard kill 4 in confrontation at Kent State University.
The Pentagon Papers Nixon invades Cambodia; Congress repeals Tonkin Gulf Resolution. Pentagon Papers show plans to enter war under LBJ. Confirm belief of many that government not honest about intentions.
III. America’s Longest War Ends U.S. top negotiator Henry Kissinger agrees to complete withdrawal of U.S. in Vietnam if…. N. Vietnam and S. Vietnam agree to remain separate and agree to a truce (cease fire). --- Christmas Bombings of N. Vietnam Dec. 1972. North Vietnam rejects Kissinger’s plan
Congress calls for end to war; peace signed January 1973. Agreement: N. Vietnam troops would remain in S. Vietnam but no fighting would occur. The Fall of Saigon Cease-fire breaks down; South surrenders after North invades 1975. Does the U.S. return to help the South? NO!!!
IV. The War Leaves a Painful Legacy 58,000 Americans plus over 2 million North and South Vietnamese die in war. Returning veterans face indifference, hostility at home. Why? Americans very torn and bitter about war.
The Legacy of Vietnam 1973 military draft is abolished due to its unpopularity. 1973 Congress passes War Powers Act: President must inform Congress within 48 hours of deploying troops. 90 day maximum deployment without Congressional approval.