Angiotensin as a Vasopressor in Vasodilatory Shock


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Presentation transcript:

Angiotensin as a Vasopressor in Vasodilatory Shock

Background: Defining Shock

Types of Shock

Causes of Vasodilatory Shock

Pathophysiology of Vasodilatory Shock

Hemodynamic Profiles of Types of Shock

Homeostasis Systems Involved in Restoring Effective BP

Vasodilatory Shock Goals of Treatment

Vasodilatory Shock Treatment Strategies

Management of Vasodilatory Shock

Fluid Therapy as Initial Strategy

Recommendations for Vasoactive Medications


Predictors of Response to Vasopressin in Adults With Septic Shock

Outcomes Associated With the Use of Catecholamines for the Treatment of Hypotension in Patients With Shock

Vasopressor Dose Requirement


Study: Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone in Patients With Septic Shock


Effects of the V1a Agonist FE 202158 in Patients With Septic Shock (Phase 2a)

Selepressin Evaluation Program for SEPSIS-ACT

Angiotensin II

Restoration of Effective Blood Pressure

Mechanism of Action of Angiotensin II

Angiotensin II Trials

ATHOS-3 Primary Outcome

ATHOS-3 Additional Endpoints

Ang II Responders Survival by Ang I:Ang II Ratio at Baseline

Low ACE, High Ang I/Ang II

Angiotensin II: Current Status

Take-Home Messages


Abbreviations (cont)