Statistical Analysis of Data Choice & justification of statistical test Calculation & interpretation of results
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis Small relationships are detectable between any data sets They may be caused by chance They may be caused by something else Statistical tests help us decide, for any given sets of data, which of these possibilities is more likely
Statistical Analysis If we find that it is highly probable that the relationship was caused by chance, then we assume it was caused by chance i.e. we accept the null hypothesis If we find that it is highly improbable that the relationship was caused by chance, then we assume it was caused by something else i.e. we reject the null hypothesis
Minimum Acceptable Probability for Significance Statistical Analysis Minimum Acceptable Probability for Significance Sample Size P<0.5 P<0.2 P<0.05 P<0.01 P<0.001 5 78 90 102 114 126 6 72 84 7 66 8 60 9 54 10 48 11 42 12 36 13 30 14 24 15 18 16 17