BRAIN PART status update facebook Wall Photos Friends Messages BRAIN PART Logout BRAIN PART status update Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of BRAIN PART 5 Photos Basic Information Name: BRAIN PART Nickname: Based on what I do, what would be a good nickname for me? Location: Where am I located in the brain? Friends: What other Brain Parts do I work with? Size: How big am I? View photos of BRAIN PART (5) Send BRAIN PART a message Send Friend Request Personal Information About Me: Functions: What do I do? Interests: How am I used in your everyday life? Impairments: What happens if something goes wrong with me? Favorite Music: What would my favorite song be? (get creative) Favorite Movies: What is my favorite movie? Favorite TV Shows: What TV shows do I like? I am important because... Video See me In Action:: Find a good YouTube video that shows what I do and post the link here. I’m in the News: Find a current news article that has to do with your part of the brain. 1