New Therapies in Alzheimer's Disease
This program will include a discussion of off-label treatment and investigational agents not approved by the FDA for use in the United States and data that were presented in abstract form. These data should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
AD: Largest Unmet Need in Neurology
Deaths Attributable to AD in the United States
AD Progression
Hallmark of AD Pathology: Amyloid Plaques and Neurofibrillary Tangles in Brain
AD Cascade: Sequential
AD Cascade: Integrative
Existing AD Treatments
Treatment Goals
A Model of Cognitive Benefit: Galantamine
Treatment Goals Revisited
Amyloid Targets of AD Therapies
Tau Targets of AD Therapies
RAGE Inhibition: A Multifactorial Target for AD
Recent AD Phase 3 Candidate Therapies
Drugs to Delay AD Progression Have Challenges
Drugs to Delay AD Progression Have Challenges (cont)
Bapineuzumab Clears Plaques, But Fails to Show Clinical Benefit in AD
Combined EXPEDITION 1 and 2 Data in Mild and Moderate AD
Analysis of Delayed-Start Data in EXPEDITION in Mild AD
EXPEDITION 3: Study Design and Results
PRIME: Study Design and Results
PRIME 12-Month Interim Analysis of Titration Dosing
LMTM in Mild AD
AD Prevention
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in Presymptomatic AD
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in Presymptomatic AD (cont)
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in MCI, Prodromal or Early/Mild AD
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in MCI, Prodromal or Early/Mild AD (cont)
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in MCI, Prodromal or Early/Mild AD (cont)
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in MCI, Prodromal or Early/Mild AD (cont)
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in MCI, Prodromal or Early/Mild AD (cont)
Ongoing Phase 3 RCTs in MCI, Prodromal or Early/Mild AD (cont)