BUS 411 DAY 3
Agenda Question? Assignment 1 not corrected yet but it will be by next class. Major problems in many of the submissions No Class on Jan 30, I have an all day meeting with USDA Today Write Mission and Vision Statements for Walt disney Creating a collective SWOT for Walt Disney
Mission and Vision Vision Statement Mission Statement
Swot Process This process will be completed today’s afternoon’s class and the sooner we complete this task the sooner we can all go home. To save time and paper, we will refer to each entry by its index. For example I might say that from the list of possible opportunities, I would keep 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16 & 17 and eliminate the rest. You are also free to edit responses to your liking, for example you may state that “I would like to keep entry 5 with the following edits.” I will be distributing printed copies of the 4 lists to each group in class for you to work on. The following is the process we will be using in class.
SWOT Process for creating a group SWOT Entire process to be competed in one hour Work to be done in 3 groups (30 mins) Instructor acts as a facilitator Each group will For each category Collaboratively produce a list of 10-15 Strengths, Weakness Opportunities and Threats
Work to be done by entire class (30 mins) In each category (S, W, O, & T) Produce a master list in each category Merge the 3 lists of 10-15 factors IF there are 25 or more factors, eliminate those that only one team selected If there are 10-24 factors remaining Take Class wide vote on each factor (in or out) till we have between 5 and 10 factors Aggregate the remaining factors in the final SWOT Role of instructor is to act as a consultant and facilitator Publish and distribute Final SWOT for use on future assignments