BIA Providers Conference Working with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities BIA Providers Conference November 30th, 2017
Outline Tribal Transportation Relations with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities DOT&PF Tribal Liaison Program Top 4 ways DOT&PF is currently working with Tribes Future DOT&PF Tribal Transportation Coordination We need your help! SHSP update going on RIGHT NOW! Q&A
DOT&PF Liaison Program Liaison coordinates between Governor’s Office and executive branch at DOT&PF Looks for opportunities to partner with Tribes regarding DOT&PF owned facilities Works with Federal Transportation Partners on implementing national programs here in Alaska Liaison is a point of contact for your community’s transportation questions Anna Bosin, P.E. DOT&PF Tribal Relations Liaison 907-269-6208 Flying in to Kiana-Betsy Hess, DOT&PF
1. Alaska DOT&PF Post-Award Conferences How it works: Successful Contractor holds conference in the community where the construction project (airport or highway) will take place; Local workers learn what jobs will be available for the construction project and connect with Civil Rights Office staff regarding training opportunities and employment requirements; Local workers attend trainings prior to the construction season beginning. Some Contractors have apprenticeship programs directly under contract with their companies or unions. Work with your regional planner to find out which projects will be advertised next season in your community 11/17/2018
Look for these post award conferences Upcoming projects: ANIAK AIRPORT RUNWAY SHIFT (Knik Construction, $39M) SCAMMON BAY AIRPORT FLOOD PERMANENT REPAIRS DMVA/FEMA (Brice Inc., $5M) KWIGILLINGOK AIRPORT SURFACE MAINTENANCE (adv march 2018)
2. Airport M&O Contracts and Training How it Works: Tribes, Corporations, Cities, or Individuals contract with DOT&PF for 1 year M&O work agreements for local airport; Duties include: snow plowing, runway inspection, brush clearing, minimal grading, and equipment checks. DOT&PF provides hands-on equipment training and business assistance completing Request for Proposals; Contracts can be extended each year for a total of 5 years of work; Continued equipment training and job support are provided by DOT&PF For more information, contact the DOT&PF’s Civil Rights Office: Bethel Training February 2017, Alaska DOT&PF Airport M&O Contracts Up In 2018 Chenega Bay Eek Koliganek Manokatak Platinum Sven Haakanson, Sr. Airport (Old Harbor) St Paul Island Airport Contracts require business licenses, drug test for equipment operator(s), passing an equipment proficiency test. No education requirements or back ground checks 11/17/2018
3. 202a(9) Funding Transfers 4 Successful Transfers for Projects 1. Tanana Dust Control earmark for dust control to the Native Village of Tanana 2. Barrow Arctic Research Road earmark for the Uivaqsaagiaq Road project to the Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government 3. Point Hope evacuation road earmark for continued support of the Point Hope TIGER grant to the Native Village of Point Hope 4. Craig Road Improvements earmark for the Community Sidewalk project to the Village of Craig Eligible: Community Transportation Program Grants Early 2018.Sign up for and choose to be notified on STIP and LRTP Transportation Alternatives Program Grants Same as above Legislative appropriates special projects added to STIP Special Federal Earmarks (Currently none in STIP not already assigned) Not-Eligible: 1.Projects within State Rights-of-Way 2.Existing Infrastructure Transfers 3.State Planning and Research Funds 4.State match funding This funding transfer process does not come with additional funding from Congress. Waivers of Sovereign Immunity, TORAs, and union contract outsourcing of work are reasons why projects within the State ROW are ineligible. FHWA does not support existing infrastructure transfers for similar reasons (Waivers, risk, classification of infrastructure) Mike Vigue is the POC for questions related to 202a(9) For more information, contact the DOT&PF’s Program Development Office: 11/17/2018
4. GTAC Transportation Subcommittee Comprised of Tribal Representatives from each of DOT&PF’s 3 regions as well as Federal and State Transportation Agencies Will Ware, Bill Willard, Brian Winnestaffer, Darrel Williams, Mary Patkotak, Clarence Daniel Similar to Caltrans’ Native American Advisory Council Goal is to partner on solving many Tribal Transportation issues such as: Strategic Highway Safety Plan Update Implementing new regulations Improved crash data collection in remote areas Defining consultation Advising DOT&PF on plan updates Federal Partners include BIA, WFL, FHWA. State Agency Partners include LAW, DOL, DPS, DOE, HSS Meetings quarterly with charter membership Contact Will Ware, Co-Chair At Port in Metlakatla, Denise Gray, DOT&PF or visit our website for more information
Moving Forward FHWA/DOT&PF/PACTRANS Funded Research: Safety Evaluation of Statewide Off-Highway Vehicle Use in Alaska UAF conducting research 2017-2019 Scope includes: Evaluating crash data and injury/trauma data; Identifying connectivity of OHV user routes (i.e. trails, roadways, destinations, distances traveled, etc.) Assessing conflicts and level of concern within public Rights-of-Way at select communities (Bethel, Kotzebue, Nome) Performing seasonal traffic counts and coordinating with local law enforcement Anticipated Benefits: Guidelines for Alaska’s enforcement, engineering, and community stakeholders; Recommendations for Safety Plan Updates Off Highway Vehicles include ATVs, Snow Machines, Dog Sled Chief Eddie Hoffman Drive- Bethel 2014
The Data
SHSP Update Strategic Highway Safety Plan Update Data driven guiding document for the DOT&PF Requirement for all DOTs to update every 5 years for FHWA Update began Summer 2017- Final revision due spring 2018 “5 E’s”- Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Emergency Response, Evaluation Partner agencies- FHWA, Dept. Public Safety, Dept. of Law, Dept. of Education, various non-profits, sub-committees and volunteers. Tribal Area Challenges: Lack of crash reporting Alternative transportation methods (ATV, snow machines) Law enforcement jurisdictional issues; mix of Tribal, state, local road authorities; Lack of education in schools on safe driver and pedestrian behavior; EMS limitations; Limited funding for M&O, safety, capital projects.
Fatal and Serious Injuries – 2013-2014 SHSP Update Fatal and Serious Injuries – 2013-2014
SHSP Update
SHSP Update
SHSP Update – We need your help 907-465-6996