Atoms, Elements, Molecules, Compounds, Bonding Bio Chemistry Unit
Matter Everything in the universe is made of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass
Elements Elements cannot be broken down into simpler matter. There are over 100 elements but there are only 92 that occur naturally
Atoms Smallest particle of an element. Elements are made of atoms! Atoms are made of Protons = Postive charge, found in the nucleus of the atom Neutrons = Neutral charge, found in the nucleus of the atom Electrons = Negative charge, found in the outer shell Postiviely Charged Protons = Negatively Charged Electrons
Atoms Elements
Periodic Table, Atomic #, Atomic Mass/Mass # Name of Element Atomic # Number of Protons Number of Electrons Mass #/Atomic Mass Number of Protons plus the number of neutrons Element Symbol
Six Essential Elements of Life CHNOPS Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorus Sulfur
Molecules vs Compounds Molecules are two or more atoms bonded together CO2, H2O, O2, Compounds are two or more elements bonded together CO2, H2O But not O2 Why not O2?
Bonding Why do atoms bond? Same reason we do, to be in stable relationship! Atoms are more stable when they are bonded together.
Types of Bonds Covalent Bonding= Sharing of electrons Ionic Bonding = Gaining or losing of electrons. If an atom gains or loses an electron it is called an ION.
What type of Bonding does this cartoon illustrate?