WHOPPERS AND YARNS: An American Tradition


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Presentation transcript:

WHOPPERS AND YARNS: An American Tradition

Tall Tales A story with unbelievable elements, related as if it were true and factual. Wikipedia.com A story that depicts the wild adventures of exaggerated folk heroes. Brittanica.com

Exaggeration Stretching a popular truth about a person or place to unreal proportions. Example: FACT: The soil in the Midwest is rich and plants grow well. EXAGGERATION: Corn stalks in the Midwest grow so high that farmers need to attach blinking lights to the tops so that passing planes don’t knock them down.

Brag An exaggerated list of your own abilities and accomplishments. I’m Backwoods Bob. I’m so tough that I eat pine needles for breakfast. I wrestle grizzly bears and punch cougars in the face for fun. I sleep on a hammock made out of rattle snakes. My eye-sight is so good that I can gaze around the world to see how the hair on the back of my head looks. I’m so strong…

Origin story Fancifully tells how something came into existence long ago. Examples: The Grand Canyon was created by Pecos Bill when he rode a tornado. The Grand Canyon was created by Paul Bunyan dragging his ax.

Your Project Illustrate three lines from They Have Yarns on three blank pieces of paper. Write the line below the illustration. Find a tall tale online that is about Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Calamity Jane, or another American “hero.” Be ready to share it with the class. Create a ten line brag for your group that really makes you sound AWESOME. List a fact each for five particular places and then write an exaggeration for each fact. Write one ½ page origin story that explains how something came into existence. Write one ½ page story about the amazing exploits of Charlie Charger. Write one ½ page story that goes along with something mentioned in They Have Yarns