Unit 4: Organizing Elements Lab Book Set-Up Draw Table of Contents on page: 54 Table of Contents should have 3 columns: Date, Assignment, Page Label Pages 55 & 56: What’s the Matter Bell Work Attach Unit 4: Organizing Elements Learning Scale to pg. 57 Read through scale and write a reflection as to where you are on the scale. Be specific and justify your reason.
Unit 4: Organizing Elements Learning GOAL: The student will be able recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that their atoms combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving things that we encounter. Learning Targets: ____ Explain the reasons why elements are grouped/ arranged on the periodic table. ____ Describe how elements combine in a multitude of ways to make up all living and non-living things
Unit 4: Organizing Elements AVID Vocabulary Foldable STEPS FOR COMPLETING VOCABULARY FOLDABLE OUTSIDE OF FOLDALBE Step 1: Illustrate each word on outside of flap- NO WORDS OR NUMBERS INSIDE OF FOLDABLE Step 2: Write the Vocabulary Word Step 3: Write a Link word A word that helps you to remember the vocabulary word Step 4: Write the Definition of the vocabulary word in your own words Step 5: Write 2 Sentences that helps to show the meaning of the word
Unit 4: Organizing Elements Vocabulary Foldable Attach Completed Vocabulary Foldable for the following terms on pages 58 & 59 ___ Elements ____ Mass ___ Atoms ____ Electrical Charge ___Compounds ____ Attraction ___ Electrons ____ Repulsion ___ Periodic Table _____ Valence Electron ___ Group _____ Physical/Chemical Properties ___ Period _____ Periodic Trends