Water Information System for Europe (WISE) Concept and state-of-play EEA information based on slides from DG ENV
Introduction Initiated by COM as a new, innovative approach for water reporting under the WFD, phasing out the existing, inefficient paper-based compliance reporting Based on a concept paper agreed upon by Water Directors, Rome Nov. 2003, setting the scene for one conceptual approach fulfilling several purposes/needs Aims at developing the water component in a wider system of environmental reporting in a shared information system. Should include the marine area when data flows are established there
WISE long term aim is Efficient management of all water-related information on EU level Coherence between various reporting mechanisms and needs Acces to information / data for various purposes and needs
Current situation Information Users Public M S EEA Intern. Conv. COM Information Information Information Information At the Moment we have some parallelity in processes and data flow; WISE aims in over comming that Member States Data Data treatment
Purposes for reporting Common vision Information Users Policy Effectiveness Public M S EEA Intern. Conv. Useful Information COM SoE Trends An. Data treatment / aggregation Compliance checking Member States Data Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection
Common objective The EU bodies (DG ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA) and EU25 Member States, Norway, Bulgaria and Romania agreed on the Water Directors’ meeting in November 2003 the: “Development of a new, comprehensive, shared European data and information management system for water, including river basins (WISE). The system should be based on the concept paper and should be fully implemented by 2010”
How do WISE develop? an idea/vision (2002) a concept (2003) – concept paper published on internet a process (2003 …) – Working Group D on Reporting a co-operation (DG ENV, EEA, JRC and MS) a set of tools (GIS, prototype, RTD, …) an internet portal for compliance reporting (www.wise.jrc.cec.eu.int) to be developed into a common roof to integrate SOE and compliance data flows
several MS use WISE for WFD reporting 2004 and 2005 WISE – state-of-play For WFD reporting 2004 and 2005 (Art. 3+5) defined data requirements and realized in an online prototype at JRC several MS use WISE for WFD reporting 2004 and 2005 WISE GIS tool under development Integration of EIONET-water as a SOE-stream in WISE under development JRC will give more Information on the current state of the prototype
National validation of data WISE Service Components in future decentralised but integrated Data linked to WFD Input data from MS National validation of data Data on quantity, quality, ecological status, classification of water bodies, art. 3 +5 reporting Output: Compliance checking SOE- Analysis and Assessment Policy effec- tiveness Inform public INSPIRE National Data Centres (collection of data from national and regional authori- ties) I ) River Basin Data RBD Data from other Directives e.g. IPPC, Nitrates, Bathing water and UWWT Directives. II) GIS component of WISE – incl. catchment data base CCM Data from other Sources e.g. GMES, Framework 4 to 6 Research Programs III ) Priority Data Flows Sub- national monitoring and data collection IV) Emissions EPER and other emission data International conventions Integration to be further developed. Monitoring data from coastal , marine and river conventions. Need for more coordination with activities under Marine Strategy . driven
WISE - next steps and outlook on development at EEA Integration of EIONET Water as basis of SOE-WISE Requirements for running operational phase of WISE extending on SOE-data and relevant service elements Cooperation with JRC on additional system components, especially contribution on further development of WISE GIS Integration of other water databases: UWWT, intercalibration, flooding etc. First
WISE in the wider context Environmental Reporting/ EIONET/INSPIRE Air Soil Water WISE Agri- culture Climate change Others …
Elements to be defined in further development Operational WISE Develop user interface tailored for multiple purpose Compliance reporting Intercalibration GIS-WISE SOE-reporting – Eionet Water Integration Service tools mutual data exchange, formats distributed structure, validation procedures Marine Module – developed under EMMA ?
EEA proposal on distributed data infrastructure for WISE fitting into INSPIRE EIONET EEA information services National Data centres Sub-national Data centres Internet (Inspire) User GMES Emissions data Internat. Conventions Data from other Directives CCM
EEA information services in operational phase Application services Priority data flows Map services EEA Node Gate keeper Assessments Quality assurance Quality control/ Data distribution services Knowledge reference services Search & metadata services User EEA access service (24/7 uptime) EEA service monitoring
Summary WISE is the best way forward for water-related reporting Joint process of EU bodies and MS crucial for success WISE conceptually fully integrated in a wider environmental reporting discussion (incl. INSPIRE) WISE – prototype can serve as a test case/pilot but the concept needs further elaboration/ clarification Brainstorming meeting between DG ENV, JRC, EEA and ESTAT at EEA will take forward the development