Who are you? Who do you want to be? Identity Who are you? Who do you want to be? My Objectives: Understand the difference between the public and private aspects of your identity Consider your role models: choose carefully Develop a positive online presence Media (Focus - identity): B3, C9,B2, A4, C8, A10, A11, A6, B7, B12, C2, C1, C13, C12, A7 Add some media stuff to the identity unit. Media directly targets identity (especially advertising) and tries to manipulate it. Handouts to go with this ppt: Identity Unit Lesson 1 Excerpt, Identity Lesson Two, Calvin & Hobbes pdf, Multiple Intelligences survey Links: Marilyn Manson clip from Bowling for Columbine, Patel’s TED Talk (Who Am I? Think Again.)
Guiding Questions: In the face of identity-based diversity, how will you (as an individual) develop a public identity that you can feel proud of (one that matches your life goals and values). How will you manage and maintain your identity as you travel through the school system and into adulthood? Create a “Need to knows” chart for this. What will they need to learn/think about to fully answer these questions?
Identity Who are you? Jot down as many points about your own identity as you can. For example, you could put hobbies, goals, characteristics, phone #, address, physical description, or a multitude of other aspects of you. Each student needs a blank sheet of paper. I had them do a web but they could do a list, a sketchnote, etc. 5-7 mins Image: http://communityofreaders.org/2013/03/07/revealing-your-secret-identity-product-flip-cycle-part-4/
Identity Circle two PRIVATE words or phrases that are MOST important about you (from more than one category… don’t choose four physical characteristics, for example). Choose two PUBLIC words or phrases. Now flip over your page and write those four words/phrases down. Image: http://dartmouthbusinessjournal.com/2014/03/is-private-school-worth-the-cost/
Define: Define identity in your own words. Be creative! Image: http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130415055244-1213-shape-your-identity-or-it-will-shape-you
Definitions Compare these dictionary definitions and your definition Combine Report out Compare the four definitions. Combine them to make a definition that works for you! The handout is called “1 Identity Online Dictionary Definitions” Find your number partner (I’ll assign), share your definitions with each other and then choose the best definition to share with the class.
Mystery Subject Now, let’s look at someone else’s public identity. We’ll come back to yours later. Spoiler Alert: If you know who the person in the following clip is, please DO NOT SHARE with the class YET. You’ll have time to share later.
Who is the subject? Read the handout in front of you and answer the following: What do you imagine the subject looks like? What type of job do you imagine this person would have? Why? Does this person seem intelligent? Why or why not? From what you’ve read, do you think that this person has a positive or negative public image? Why? Handout is titled “1 Identity Unit Handout” I only give them the first page. The rest of the questions/activities are on subsequent slides. However, you could easily do the worksheet if you wanted to. This deals with the Columbine shooting and features a clip from Bowling for Columbine. I’d love to find a more current clip that functions the same way (a very thoughtful response from a public figure who isn’t typically thought of in that way and is often seen as evil, or shallow, or?) 8-10 mins + 5 mins for Hand Up/Stand Up/Pair Up type share out In the next two classes, we'll be thinking about identity more. You'll have the opportunity to read several pieces of text that all center on the idea of identity. Then, you will participate in a Socratic Circle to discuss how teenagers should go about crafting their public identities. Describe how you imagine the person being interviewed. What do they look like? What type of job does he/she have? How can you tell? Does what he/she is saying make sense? Would you trust his/her opinion? Explain. Use quotations and evidence (make connections, inferences, etc.) Please do not tell the people around you who the subject is, if you recognize him/her. Instead, write about how that person sounds compared to how he/she is often portrayed in the media. Watch clip. How accurate/inaccurate were your guesses. Why do you think that is? Explain in detail.
Watch Clip If you know who the person in the following clip is, please DO NOT SHARE with the class YET. You’ll have time to share later. 3:07 mute to avoid hearing the f word. I mute it or say KISS loudly as he says the f word 5 mins
Metacognition Let’s take some time to “think about our thinking”: Many of us made incorrect assumptions about this person’s public identity. Why is that? Thinking about our thinking (being metacognitive) helps us learn. What did you learn from this exercise? Based on your own internet presence, how will people see you? How do you WANT them to see you? 6 mins to answer questions + 5 mins to have Rock/Paper/Scissors and stand up class discussion on Question #5 (of the worksheet – the first one on this slide)
To Ponder for Next Day: What can we learn from the Marilyn Manson lesson? How will you personally apply this new knowledge to your own online presence? http://www.tvqc.com/2014/04/sons-of-anarchy-saison-7-marilyn-manson-se-joint-serie/ I wanted them to realize that our “brand” isn’t necessarily all of who we are, but it’s what the world will see. We need to carefully “craft” what our public presence will be. Also, I want them to realize that we all don’t have to be perfect little goody-two-shoes (how’s that for judgmental?) to be successful. We can be unique, as long as we market ourselves carefully.