DO NOW VL: 0 Tuesday 9/8/15 Complete the Matter Misconception worksheet.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How does the structure of matter affect its identity and properties? OBJECTIVES: To identify the three states of matter and how they change phases.
VOCABULARY Matter Solid Liquid Gas Plasma Mass Volume Density Element Atom Proton Neutron Electron Nucleus Electron Cloud
AGENDA Agenda Dry Ice Lab Homework States of Matter handout
REMEMBER: YOU MUST WRITE A HYPOTHESIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH TASK. Dry Ice Lab VL: 2 TASK: Examine states of matter using dry ice. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Put on goggles. 2. Teacher will place dry ice on edge of table. 3. Make observations about the dry ice and the movement of the gas. REMEMBER: YOU MUST WRITE A HYPOTHESIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH TASK.
REMEMBER: YOU MUST WRITE A HYPOTHESIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH TASK. Dry Ice Lab VL: 2 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Fill beaker half way with water. Teacher will place dry ice in water and add color. 2. Record observations. 3. Add 1 pipette full of soap to the colored water. 4. Record observations. REMEMBER: YOU MUST WRITE A HYPOTHESIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH TASK.
REMEMBER: YOU MUST WRITE A HYPOTHESIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH TASK. Dry Ice Lab VL: 2 TEST TUBE EXPLOSION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Fill test tube about 2/3 of the way with water. 2. Teacher places a small piece of dry ice in each group’s test tube. 3. Place the cork in the test tube. 4. Make sure test tube is not pointing towards a classmate or towards your face. Watch what happens, and record your observations. Clean Up: Remove goggles and place on tray. Carefully clean out beaker. Wipe down tray. REMEMBER: YOU MUST WRITE A HYPOTHESIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH TASK.
Exit Slip VL: 0 In one sentence, define matter.
DO NOW VL: 0 Wed/Thrs 9/9-9/10 Complete the “Anticipation Guide-Atomic Structure” Handout. Read each statement and circle “A” if you agree and “D” if you disagree. Only complete the “Before Learning” column.
How does the structure of matter affect its identity and properties? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How does the structure of matter affect its identity and properties? OBJECTIVES: To identify the three states of matter and how they change phases. To model how scientists find information about our world.
VOCABULARY Matter Mass Volume Density Element Atom Proton Neutron Electron Nucleus Electron Cloud
AGENDA Agenda Elephant Toothpaste States of Matter Class Demo States of Matter Video and C-Notes Aluminum Foil Fold Rutherford Lab Homework State of Matter handout
Chemical Reactions Get excited about Chemistry!! Elephant Toothpaste
Chemical Reaction VL: 0 On page 11 in your INB.. Title the page “Elephant Toothpaste” Write the chemical reaction 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 Create a T-Chart labeled with “Before” and “After” Draw a Before picture of the reaction Draw a picture After the reaction. Elephant Toothpaste 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 ________________________ Before After
States of Matter VL: 0 States of Matter Class Demo
Video: Matter VL: 0 Brain Pop Video - Matter Changing States On page 13 in your INB, complete Cornell Notes defining matter, states of matter, and energy.
Aluminum Foil Fold VL: 2 TASK: With a partner, cut aluminum foil until you have the smallest piece you can make. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Cut the piece of aluminum foil in half. 2. Put aside one half and cut the other in half again. 3. Repeat until you can no longer cut the piece of foil.
Aluminum Foil Fold VL: 2 Task: With your group discuss the answers to the following questions. Answer these questions on the white handout. Make 3 observations about the aluminum. What do you notice about the original piece of aluminum foil and the smallest pieces? Is the smallest piece of foil still aluminum foil? Would it be possible to have a piece of aluminum so small that it is no longer aluminum? What physical change has taken place? Explain.
Rutherford Lab VL: 2 TASK: Model Rutherford’s experiment about atomic structure. Question: How can we make observations about things we can’t see? INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Take turns “shooting” marbles under the cardboard. 2. Make predictions about the shape under the cardboard based on how the marble reacts. 3. Record your findings on your post-it note.
Rutherford Lab VL: 0 Rutherford Experiment Video Model of Rutherford's Experiment
Rutherford Lab VL: 2 Post-Lab Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences on page __ of your INB. 1. Which component of the experiment did your marble simulate? 2. Which component of the experiment did your hidden shape simulate? 3. If the nucleus occupies only a small percentage of the overall space in an atom, what occupies the rest of the atom?
DO NOW VL: 0 Friday 9/11/15 On your DO NOW handout, describe what you did in the aluminum foil cut activity. What was this activity representing?
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How does the structure of matter affect its identity and properties? OBJECTIVES: Identify the contributors to current atomic theory and describe their contribution
VOCABULARY Matter Mass Volume Density Element Atom Proton Neutron Electron Nucleus Electron Cloud
AGENDA Agenda Rutherford Lab and Videos Atom Model Contributors Timeline Exit Ticket Homework States of Matter HW due today! REMINDER: Progress reports are due today, make sure you have turned in all missing work!
Rutherford Lab VL: 2 TASK: Model Rutherford’s experiment about atomic structure. Question: How can we make observations about things we can’t see? INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Take turns “shooting” marbles under the cardboard. 2. Make predictions about the shape under the cardboard based on how the marble reacts. 3. Record your findings on your post-it note.
Rutherford Lab VL: 0 Rutherford Experiment Video Model of Rutherford's Experiment
Atom Model Contributors Timeline Task: Use your textbook and sentence strip to create a timeline of the atom model Instructions: 1. Read pgs 114-117 in your textbook. 2. Use information from the book to complete the timeline. 3. Timeline must include the date, the name of the scientist, the contribution, and a picture of the atom model. 4. Timeline must be in chronological order, be neat, and legible.