AGENDA Business Challenge Goal & Outcomes Evaluation Criteria The Thunderhead Difference Program Management Approach Business Benefits for IFBI Whats next
OUR CHALLENGES Rapid adoption of mobile & social media channels Third party disintermediation of customer relationships Customer service at the speed of light Compliance overhead increasing due to regulatory and brand mandates Increased customer promiscuity & growing resistance to revenue pull Greater efficiency managing multiple policies Legacy systems Lack of flexibility to provide customization Creating greater customer satisfaction Advocating for personalization Retaining and growing our customer base
Develop infrastructure where objects can be reused for interactive and on-demand documents GOAL AND OUTCOMES SOUGHT GOAL SHORT-TERM Leverage shared content LONG-TERM Empower business units to support & maintain document content changes Provide customers the flexibility to receive communications regarding their current or potential insurance policies via the channel of their choice Deliver highly personalized and relevant marketing messages as part of our overall communications Simplify and personalize the billing process
THE SOLUTION WE CHOSE NEEDED TO.... Speed time to market Enable more robust brand management Interactive forms i.e. customize a letter Open standards Cost efficiencies Security, versioning & audit trail features BUSINESS NEEDS TECHNICAL NEEDS Straight-forward integration with existing systems
WAS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Support for structured, interactive and on-demand documents Breadth of interactive development Strengths in formats and conversions Commitment to XML and standards Multi-channel capability Template management User empowerment Separate data from content Usability of authoring environment EVALUATION CRITERIA
Rapid and flexible integration into IFBIs existing infrastructure Adherence to open standards (XML) Single source of content for multiple channels Ease of use Enthusiasm of reference customers THE THUNDERHEAD DIFFERENCE Thunderhead fits our business and IT platforms. Our Graphic Specialist can create and manage large volumes of templates with ease. Michael Brown, IFBI Manager, Systems Development
PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH: PROJECT TIMELINE Home LOB By Sept 18, 2010 Built exceed forms in Thunderhead: Home-owners policy docs, letters and invoices Effective cost management with the Thunderhead Quick Start Approach Used footprint approach with exception to cosmetic issues Transparent to end-users Auto LOB 3Q 2011 Building Auto Policy forms in Thunderhead: Auto policy docs and letters Life LOB TBD DELIVERED
BUSINESS BENEFITS Efficient use of business and development resources: Automated labor intense business process Reduced IT support and development Simplified training allows us to outsource Improves customer experience Simplified process and more operational efficiencies for our employees providing our clients service
WHAT NEXT? Business training on tool EXTEND THE ABILITY TO RESPOND QUICKLY TO BUSINESS REQUESTS Business ownership of creation of new forms and revisions to existing forms Interactive, highly customized forms EXTEND THE SCOPE OF FORMS IN THUNDERHEAD PROVIDE GREATER CUSTOMER CHOICE Add claims forms for Homeowners and Auto Allow customers to choose the delivery method for their documents