Promised by the prophets in the depth of all time Spirit Of God Promised by the prophets in the depth of all time Bringer of peace and giver of life Sent forth through the ages to set hearts on fire
Spirit of God: Come to me! Spirit of God: Breathe in me! Spirit of God: Live in me now!
from the time of his birth As he spoke of Good News, Spirit Of God You were with Jesus from the time of his birth As he spoke of Good News, as he walked this earth You were there in his trials, You were there with him at his death
Spirit of God: Come to me! Spirit of God: Breathe in me! Spirit of God: Live in me now!
You were there in his rising, you are there in new life Spirit Of God You were there in his rising, you are there in new life At Pentecost in the tongues of fire Passed on by hands and In to our hearts to inspire
Spirit of God: Come to me! Spirit of God: Breathe in me! Spirit of God: Live in me now!
And down through the years to make your kingdom come Spirit Of God And down through the years to us you have come In you we were joined, in you we are one Sent forth to proclaim, to make your kingdom come
Spirit of God: Come to me! Spirit of God: Breathe in me! Spirit of God: Live in me now! Used with permission. © 2002 Andrew Chinn (from This Day)