Exodus c. 1450? 1250? BC “The Departure” (from Egypt) Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons, progenitors of 12 tribes of Israel Joseph sold to Egyptian slavers by brothers, interprets Pharaoh’s dream, saves Egypt and others from famine Hebrews settle in Egypt, made slaves, multiply Moses escapes order to kill male Hebrew children, adopted by Princess of Egypt but but raised by Hebrew mother Moses shows loyalties by killing taskmaster beating slave, forced to flee Egypt
Exodus Moses, settles down, marries, meets God in burning Bush What is your name? (Which god are you?) “I am” = play on the name Yahweh. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Moses reluctant Poor public speaker - brother Aaron will do the talking Miracles for credibility
The Ten Plagues Makes Pharaoh let the Israelites go God hardens Pharaoh’s heart so he can pour out full measure of his wrath Demonstrates Yahweh’s power and spreads his Name Loot Last Plague = Angel of death, kills firstborn Escape across parted Red Sea, Pharaoh & army drowned when waters close Song of Moses Yahweh is a Man of War Who is like you, O Yahweh, among the gods?
Passover Named from Angel of death “passing over” Hebrew houses Celebration of the Exodus from Egypt Defining event - God as deliverer “I am Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of Egypt” Passover Lamb - blood on doorposts protected from Angel of Death Unleavened bread - haste Bitter Herbs - slavery
Passover Originally eaten in haste, dressed to travel, bloody doorposts Modernizations Other boiled meat (lamb substitute) Pebbly mixture of walnuts, apples, cinnamon, wine - mortar of slaves Vegetables - parsley, celery or potato dipped in salt water (tears) Roasted Egg - mourns destruction of temple where special Passover sacrifice made Find the matza game for kids, gifts
Amalekite Ambush Attack from the rear, where old, sick, defenseless are God promises revenge, carries out 400 years later under Saul
The Ten Commandments Not the only commandments, just really important ones Engraved on tablet’s by God Originals destroyed by Moses, replacement set put in Ark of the Covenant
The Ten Commandments No other gods No idols Don’t misuse “Yahweh” Sabbath (no work on Saturday) Honor parents No murder No adultery No stealing No perjury No coveting (only internal attitude)
The Ark of the Covenant Written on 2 stone tablet’s by God’s finger Replacement set put in ark Only priests could carry
40 Years in the Wilderness Caleb’s recon mission Faithless Israelites Moses loses his temper Miriam struck with leprosy - why? Blessings and Cursings