dynaTrace Platform
Answers you will get in this session Overview Goal of this session What is dynaTrace used for and how does it work? Answers you will get in this session What are the main dynaTrace use cases? User Experience Management Production Performance Load and Performance Testing Continuous Integration Diagnostics Web Performance Optimization What are the major components of the dynaTrace architecture? What do I need them for and how do they work? How does dynaTrace enable collaboration across the lifecycle?
dynaTrace Solution Overview Browser or Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Monitoring Collector PurePath Collector Explain the parts. Also explain that we not only get purepath but also cyclic monitoring measures This in a nutshell is what dynaTrace does for you, it makes that connection (show path). The red line is the transaction that is running through the system. dynaTrace tracks your transactions with its PurePath technology all the time end to end! And it will also show you a wealth of other information that you did not have before, click further. For the first time you go beyond a server only view and see the from the browser all the way down to the database or legacy system what is contributing to your response times. dynaTrace Client Performance Warehouse Sessions Store dynaTrace Server Exported Session dynaTrace Analysis Server Offline Session Analysis
dynaTrace Solution Overview Execution times, CPU, Remoting, Messaging, Web Services, I/O, Wait, Sync, Memory, GC, JMX, CLR, OS & PMI Metrics no statistical guesswork Only 24x7 heterogeneous always-on distributed global deep transaction trace no after-the-fact tracing Method args & returns, Exceptions, Logs, SQLs & Bind values business context Browser or Rich-Client Web Server Java .NET Other Database Lowest overhead through externalized data processing no app-side data processing Single file deployment no config files & no source code changes Monitoring Collector PurePath Collector Explain the parts. Also explain that we not only get purepath but also cyclic monitoring measures This in a nutshell is what dynaTrace does for you, it makes that connection (show path). The red line is the transaction that is running through the system. dynaTrace tracks your transactions with its PurePath technology all the time end to end! And it will also show you a wealth of other information that you did not have before, click further. For the first time you go beyond a server only view and see the from the browser all the way down to the database or legacy system what is contributing to your response times. Globally scalable collector architecture, secure, no problems with dynamic cloud and virtualization environments dynaTrace Client Performance Warehouse Sessions Store dynaTrace Server Role based dashboards, single point of configuration Ease-of-use across lifecycle Real-time transaction analysis, business transaction mapping, alerting no averages Exported Session dynaTrace Analysis Server Offline Session Analysis Self-learning, Auto-discovery, Auto placement low maintenance Large heap analysis service Background processing Offline Analysis of root-cause information (transactions, memory, threads & time series) Collaboration made easy Shared full-depth transaction & context information no guesswork
dynaTrace Components dynaTrace Client Online Dashboards and Analysis Offline Analysis Kiosk Mode dynaTrace Viewer Auto-Adaptive Dashboards Web Dashboards and Reports (live)
dynaTrace Components dynaTrace Server Real-Time Analysis Services Root-Cause Analysis Services Collaboration Services Reporting Services Web Access Services Alerting Services Central Management and Pluggability Services
dynaTrace Components Analysis Server Huge Memory Analysis Server The Analysis Server is used to analyze huge Memory Dumps what cannot be done on the dynaTrace Server without effecting the collection of further performance data. The Analysis Server should be used especially in production environments.
dynaTrace Components Performance Warehouse Historic Performance Session Store SQL Database (not part of Development Team Edition for desktop use)
dynaTrace Components dynaTrace Collector PurePath Collector Role Monitoring Collector Role Desktop EUEM Role Cloud Collector
dynaTrace Components dynaTrace Agent Lightweight Compact Native/deep Powerful (mem, threads, cpu, system,,...) Safe Cross-Platform Reliable
dynaTrace Components dynaTrace Session Hi-Density File Stores: PurePaths Memory Snapshots Thread Dumps Monitoring Statistics Provides: Replay information
dynaTrace Components Smart Sensor Lighweight Context Info Method Arguments Log info Exceptions CPU Suspensions Synchronization
Collaboration Pre-Production Production Push Information Bug Tracker Entry eMail Alerts Scheduled Reports Visibility for Operations Live Dashboards And Root-Cause Analysis Collaboration Services dynaTrace Server Dev / Test Collaboration Services dynaTrace Server Production Replay for Development Reconstruct, Diagnose, Fix, Validate. Visibility for Development Managment Explain the collaboration features. Especially the fact that sessions can be shared between teams and departments making working together efficient. Also explain that this means always correct data without needing to have access. Further this can be legally given to third parties via the viewer. For prod also mention the option to remove confidential strings. Mention that this can also be automated. Session Store Dev, Test, Production Sessions Share Reports & Dashboards via URL and WebStart Push Information SMS/eMail Alerts Scheduled HTML/PDF Reports Daily/Weekly/ Monthly For 3rd Parties and Remote Departments: Replay and Diagnose with dynaTrace Viewer and sensitive data protection Visibility for Business and secure remote access Live Web Reports Mobile Web Access Webstart Client
dynaTrace’s Comprehensive Scope business end-to-end End-to-End: dynaTrace captures data from end-to-end, starting at the browser down to database and legacy system All Transactions: low overhead of dynaTrace enables monitoring of 100% transactions in production environments, even globally distributed Deep: dynaTrace goes down to the code level, method arguments, SQL statements, bind values, return values, remoting and message information, synchronization and memory Business: dynaTrace maps PurePath data to business level, alowing to monitor the perfromance of particular transaction types or application components or single user types Life-Cycle: dynaTrace can be used accross the lifecycle and proviedes richt communictaion and collaboration features life-cycle deep all transactions
100 % Last Minute Search: menu.do, user=Joe, action=lastMinute Buy: sale.do, user=Jane, action=doBuy 100 % List: query.do, user=Bob, action=showAll Pay: menu.do, user=Joe, action=pay Call PaymentService.transferCash
100 % Last Minute Search: menu.do, user=Joe, action=lastMinute Call PaymentService.transferCash Last Minute Search: menu.do, user=Joe, action=lastMinute Buy: sale.do, user=Jane, action=doBuy List: query.do, user=Bob, action=showAll Pay: menu.do, user=Joe, action=pay All analysis is based on data from your transactions A major advantage and benefit of dynaTrace is the ability to receive monitoring/diagnostics data from the agents in near real-time and process them in near real-time. This is what we mean by interactive analysis: Just drill down to the right view/aggregation for the current analysis task. There is no need to export the dynaTrace data to an OLAP cube or a correlation engine because dynaTrace calculates the different views on the fly.
Correlate with JVM/CLR/OS metrics The Transaction Data is supplemented and correlated with typical monitor metrics like memory, cpu, thread statistics as you can get them from the OS, JVM, CLR, Application Server and so on. Some of these metrics are collected automatically based on the instrumented application (we choose inteligently here). Others must be subscribed explicitly, which is very easy. Explicitly because we cannot know all about your application in advance and all measures would be too much data. And second because metrics can also be very custom and specific to your application Monitoring and dashboards exist out of the box in prod edition, in the others they can be setup.
Use for monitoring Capture Data Analyze Data Monitor Captured Data This picture is important to keep in mind: First we capture the data along the PurePaths, then we explicitly subscribe the data for the long term monitoring. This is about the combination of Transaction data, monitoring data for monitoring, trending and diagnostics. All purposes are served Define Data to be Monitored (Subscribe Measures) Monitor Captured Data
UPDATE Editions Update slide by marketing Explain the 3 editions, especially the dev team Dev-Team Edition: Advanced Profiling / CI Differs only through Licensing Detailed Feature comparison: https://community.dynatrace.com/community/display/DOCDT40/Editions