1.3: Atmosphere Gases and Radiation Fahad Al Rumaih Saqer Marshoud - Rashed Senan Ziyad Shamsaldeen o no its broken
Atmosphere Affects light -4 ways: *__________ it *__________ it *Lets it pass *Air gives off light, but little
Radiation -Radiation is the third type of which heat travels, like Convection and Conduction -Some gases _______ and _____ radiation like light -Ultraviolet Radiation: Waves that have more energy and has shorter wavelengths than visible light. -Infrared Radiation: Waves that have more visible light and has longer wavelength than energy. Also heats objects. earth -18C / -0.4F w/o IR
Ozone -Layer in the atmosphere made of trioxygen, or ___Oxygen atoms -Its chemical symbol is _____ -It protects Earth because takes in most UV Radiation -Too much UV is really bad.
I already told you the names 1.idk:Greenhouse Gases I already told you the names
Greenhouses -Warm everyday so plants can grow. -Special glass lets _________ in but doesn’t let them leave
Relation to Earth -Greenhouse Gases are like the _______ trapping the sun rays -That’s why its hot even though sun is super far -This process is called Greenhouse Effect.
Global Warming -Too much Greenhouse Gases cause it -Carbon __________ and Carbon Dioxide are the 2 major influential gases to global warming. -Too little gases:Ice/Too much: Global Warming
Vocabulary PT.1 Greenhouse Gas:Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and other gases that absorb and give off infrared radiation. Greenhouse Effect:Process of which certain gases in the atmosphere slow the movement of energy away from Earth's surface, which absorb and emit infrared radiation.
Vocabulary PT.2 “The Definition Strikes Back” Trifluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride (CF3SF5): Has the most potential out of all greenhouse gases (very dangerous), but there is so little it barely causes an effect on Earth’s warmth. Carbon Monoxide (CO): This poisonous gas is made from the use of fossil fuels such as gasoline and is emitted mostly from cars and trucks. When inhaled, CO blocks oxygen from vital organs.