Preparing Food for a Specified Function – download and complete Name:
What you need to do! 1. participate in a discussion about the types of functions at which food is served; 2 .choose one function from a given list; 3. identify one food dish that will be served at the specified function; 4. give one reason why the food dish is suitable for the specified function; 5. produce a list of ingredients needed to make the chosen dish; 6. calculate the portion size of the dish; 7. plan a simple flow chart for making the dish; 8. prepare and cook the planned dish; 9. work out the quantities needed to make the dish serve twelve people; 10. design a menu card which includes three food dishes for the specified function which would attract the target audience.
Task One – who is your function going to be for, tell me why you have chosen to do this, who is coking and what is the aim of the party /function? Some examples below A teenagers fourteen birthday party; A pizza party for my young sister or brother; A children’s birthday party the Italian way; A Saturday night supper party;
Outcome 2 - What dish will you cook for your special function Outcome 2 - What dish will you cook for your special function? Place six images of food on the slides and recipes Outcome 3 now choose one . I have decided to choose this recipe dish because?......
Outcome 4 - What ingredients do I need? Quantities
List of people that are coming Outcome 5 List of people that are coming What portion size do I need Amount of ingredients
Outcome 7 Flow chart of the recipe making start My finished recipe
Making the dish – my outcome
Outcome 9 - Ingredients For one person For twelve people
Outcome 10 look at the sample on the next slide My designed menu card