Final Presentation The Last One
For this speech then, you can choose from the general topics below. You will have to do some research to be able to present us with new, unique, strange, funny or just plain interesting information. You will be graded on all the skills you have learned since March of this year.
Please clear your specific topic with your professor in class. Review Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 language. Length: 5-8 mins., including question time Audience: Classmates, but be semi-formal.
Persuade us……do you have an unpopular or unusual political opinion about a current issue you feel strongly about? Persuade us to agree with you! This could be a Korean or international issue. Describe the problem with plenty of background information, then explain your opinion persuasively using facts and emotion!
How to…. actively engage the class in showing us how to do something How to….actively engage the class in showing us how to do something!! What do you know how to do? Show us! Teach us! What solution do you have for an everyday problem? You can think outside the box here…”How to be grateful.” ….
The future of…. what’s the history and future of the … The future of…..what’s the history and future of the …..? A social movement? A company? A slogan? A country? A trend?
Quote…google search a quote that is meaningful to you. Explain it to us! Ex: “He is a man of sense who does not grieve for what he has not, but rejoices in what he has.” Who said this? Why? What does it mean? How can you apply it in your life? Why would it be beneficial to listen to its message? Maybe you do not agree with it! Why?
An unusual video/book/movie An unusual video/book/movie. Have you read/seen anything lately that was inspiring? Surprising? Unique? Unusual? Shocking? Thrilling? Does it have a twist ending? Tell us the title, writer/director/summarize the story/Tell us what you find unique about it or how it impressed you. How did it affect you emotionally?
Plan an Event Do you have a good idea/plan for a wedding. MIT trip Plan an Event Do you have a good idea/plan for a wedding? MIT trip? Birthday party? Fashion Show? Art Fair? Golf Tournament? Festival? Give us the fun details!
3 Days in……….Choose a fairly little-known or unpopular destination and make a 3-day plan to tour/eat/experience local culture etc. Persuade us to go with you! You cannot choose Paris or New York etc.
Artwork…do you have a favorite little-known painting or photograph Artwork…do you have a favorite little-known painting or photograph? Present it to us! Who is the artist? Title? Describe the picture then tell us your reaction to it. What emotions does it bring out? What is the story in the picture? Why is it beneficial for us to reflect on artwork?
35% (6+ minutes). + Q&A Basic cue cards OK 10 slides/PPT